Around 6 am this morning my phone rang with a automated massage and my cell phone got a text that we were under a Tornado warning take cover now. Well I got up and turned on the tv. My storm warning messages were right we where getting hit good. I got up and got dressed. But I could not decide what to do with mom. Should I get her up or leave her in bed. If I get her up we can go into the Hallway and that would be the safest room in the house that I could get her wheelchair in. Or should I Pull her bed away from the outside wall and listen to see if I needed to put a mattress over us.I left her in bed and got something to cover us up with. But it did not get that bad at my house . Not true for the little town of Cincinnati Arkansas which is just about 20 or 30 mins from our house. 3 people were killed and 8 are in the hospital. I Have to say I was scared.The wind and rain was really bad. But I am thankful we are ok. I pray for all the people who got hit with 100 mile an hour winds according to the weather man. And I know some of my blogger friends were in the path of this storm too. I pray you are all safe.
We need to have a escape plan. I often worry about what if the house catches on fire. If mom is in the wheelchair no problem but what if she is in bed . I told my son if he is here to just wrap her up , protect her head and drag her out of bed and out the door. That is going to be hard but I think faster than trying to get her up with the lift and in her chair. I guess it depends on the extent of the fire . I pray we never have to do this. And may 2011 be happy and safe for all. I guess 2010 went out like a lion. I hope 2011 comes in like a lamb.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Don't Stress Over The Little Things
Do you get really mad when one of the kids spills or knocks over something? I never have or did. I always just say "Clean It Up". My dad used to have a hissy fit if we spilled something. It was scary. I think that is why I never did. But I must be getting old.
Tonight I decided to rearrange the furniture. That is a big deal for me because I am usually just wanting to lay down and relax. But for some reason I was wanting to do something differant. When I moved the sofa there was the biggest dried up spot under it. I mean it was big. Looked liked someone sit a full glass down on the floor and kicked it over than just left it under there. For some reason that really made me mad. No one was home but mom and I. So I could think about it a lot while I was trying to get the stain off the carpet. Our carpet is old and nasty anyway but I think what made me mad was who ever did it just left it there. They did not whip a bit of it up. It was hard and thick and dark. I used 6 wash cloths and it is still there. I wanted to text my son and ask him what happend , why is there a big stain under the sofa, why did you leave it there. I almost did 2 or 3 times . I started to than I stopped. Than I thought, Do I want to text my perfect son that helps me pay the bills and buy groceries and helps me with mom when I ask . My perfect son who has never been in trouble. Except for skipping school once. My perfect son who is in his 3rd year of college with no help from me.Just to ask him about a spot under the sofa. No I don't . I'll wait till he gets home. LOL!
Tonight I decided to rearrange the furniture. That is a big deal for me because I am usually just wanting to lay down and relax. But for some reason I was wanting to do something differant. When I moved the sofa there was the biggest dried up spot under it. I mean it was big. Looked liked someone sit a full glass down on the floor and kicked it over than just left it under there. For some reason that really made me mad. No one was home but mom and I. So I could think about it a lot while I was trying to get the stain off the carpet. Our carpet is old and nasty anyway but I think what made me mad was who ever did it just left it there. They did not whip a bit of it up. It was hard and thick and dark. I used 6 wash cloths and it is still there. I wanted to text my son and ask him what happend , why is there a big stain under the sofa, why did you leave it there. I almost did 2 or 3 times . I started to than I stopped. Than I thought, Do I want to text my perfect son that helps me pay the bills and buy groceries and helps me with mom when I ask . My perfect son who has never been in trouble. Except for skipping school once. My perfect son who is in his 3rd year of college with no help from me.Just to ask him about a spot under the sofa. No I don't . I'll wait till he gets home. LOL!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Lets Start 2011 With A Laugh!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. We did . Lots of nice gift's for mom and me. My son and his girlfriend are going to Colo. after new years so I gave him gift cards and money . That should help with the trip.
Now it is time for the New Year . According to Laughing for one minute is the equivalent to 15 minutes on an exercise bike or 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Laughter can reduce stress hormones, boost your immune system and lower your blood pressure. So pop in an old Seinfeld video, read your favorite comic strip, turn on Comedy Central, call a friend who makes you laugh or pull out old photos albums. Go ahead: laugh out loud.
I might of told you this already but mom has been talking a lot and she has started yelling even more . I know she is trying to tell me something and all she gets out is a yell. The other day I was turning her or something I can't remember what and she yelled very loud than started laughing and said " I just did that". I guess she meant she was yelling for no reason. She was just doing it cause she could. Well, I say to mom Lets Yell or even scream just as long as it makes her Laugh. !!!! Happy New Year!!!!!
Now it is time for the New Year . According to Laughing for one minute is the equivalent to 15 minutes on an exercise bike or 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Laughter can reduce stress hormones, boost your immune system and lower your blood pressure. So pop in an old Seinfeld video, read your favorite comic strip, turn on Comedy Central, call a friend who makes you laugh or pull out old photos albums. Go ahead: laugh out loud.
I might of told you this already but mom has been talking a lot and she has started yelling even more . I know she is trying to tell me something and all she gets out is a yell. The other day I was turning her or something I can't remember what and she yelled very loud than started laughing and said " I just did that". I guess she meant she was yelling for no reason. She was just doing it cause she could. Well, I say to mom Lets Yell or even scream just as long as it makes her Laugh. !!!! Happy New Year!!!!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
End Alzheimers
House of Representatives approves National Alzheimer’s Project Act
The U.S. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed the National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA). This historic legislation is now on its way to President Obama for his signature. Passage of NAPA is a hard-earned win for the hundreds of thousands of Alzheimer advocates across the nation. With your help, the Alzheimer's Association has made NAPA a top congressional priority — and a significant first step in ending the Alzheimer crisis.
Send an e-mail to President Obama urging him to sign Just click on the Title of this post and it will send you to the sight. Thank You.
The U.S. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed the National Alzheimer's Project Act (NAPA). This historic legislation is now on its way to President Obama for his signature. Passage of NAPA is a hard-earned win for the hundreds of thousands of Alzheimer advocates across the nation. With your help, the Alzheimer's Association has made NAPA a top congressional priority — and a significant first step in ending the Alzheimer crisis.
Send an e-mail to President Obama urging him to sign Just click on the Title of this post and it will send you to the sight. Thank You.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
10 Days Till Christmas!!!
It's getting close to Christmas. I think I am going to make it.
There is even a present under the tree for me . It appeared today. I think at any age seeing a present under the tree with your name on it makes you smile. It is from my son so I can't wait to open it. He also got me Netflix. He will have to pay $9 a month for it which I hate but I have to admit it is the best present for people who can't get out when ever they want. I have watched 2 movies on my computer and 1 that came in the mail and he only signed up for it a few days ago. It's great. Before mom got sick we would go out to eat every week and to the movies a lot. But now getting to go to the movies is rough and the last few movies I went to I went by myself because everyone was busy at the time I could get a sitter for mom. Well now I can just get on my computer and watch a movie anytime and when ever I want and I have a list of movies coming in the mail. You watch one send it back and they send you another one. I love it. It is a great gift for caregivers that love to watch movies. When I was renting movies I could never get them back in time or I would have to ask my son to take them or my sis. Which they would but I hate to ask. My son used to drop them off before or after class. Still it is just one more thing he has to do and he is a busy boy. Anyway I love my Christmas present.
Mom has been doing so good. She is talking and visiting with me. She is yelling alot but than she will stop and laugh. She said I was just doing that. I guess she meant she was just yelling for no reason . It is great.
So far this week as been good. She isn't sleeping much. In fact she stays awake most of the night but she is not sundowning because she is not confused or upset . She is just laying in bed and looking around. The nurse it going to try some sleeping med. on her. But I am not sure if she needs it. I will see how it affects her. She does need her sleep . I do to. So it might be good. Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All.
Oh!!! Arkansas is going to the Sugar Bowl. GO HOGS!!!!
There is even a present under the tree for me . It appeared today. I think at any age seeing a present under the tree with your name on it makes you smile. It is from my son so I can't wait to open it. He also got me Netflix. He will have to pay $9 a month for it which I hate but I have to admit it is the best present for people who can't get out when ever they want. I have watched 2 movies on my computer and 1 that came in the mail and he only signed up for it a few days ago. It's great. Before mom got sick we would go out to eat every week and to the movies a lot. But now getting to go to the movies is rough and the last few movies I went to I went by myself because everyone was busy at the time I could get a sitter for mom. Well now I can just get on my computer and watch a movie anytime and when ever I want and I have a list of movies coming in the mail. You watch one send it back and they send you another one. I love it. It is a great gift for caregivers that love to watch movies. When I was renting movies I could never get them back in time or I would have to ask my son to take them or my sis. Which they would but I hate to ask. My son used to drop them off before or after class. Still it is just one more thing he has to do and he is a busy boy. Anyway I love my Christmas present.
Mom has been doing so good. She is talking and visiting with me. She is yelling alot but than she will stop and laugh. She said I was just doing that. I guess she meant she was just yelling for no reason . It is great.
So far this week as been good. She isn't sleeping much. In fact she stays awake most of the night but she is not sundowning because she is not confused or upset . She is just laying in bed and looking around. The nurse it going to try some sleeping med. on her. But I am not sure if she needs it. I will see how it affects her. She does need her sleep . I do to. So it might be good. Anyway Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to All.
Oh!!! Arkansas is going to the Sugar Bowl. GO HOGS!!!!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Merry Christmas!!!
I think I am looking forward to Christmas. I was dreading Thanksgiving. Everyone had plans but me. And when one person would ask me what I was doing I would kind of lie and tell them I had plans with another person. That way they could do there thing and not worry about me. Of course I was expecting leftovers and that is all I wanted but that did not turn out so good. Since I got a case of the flu or something. But all better now. I think I am looking forward to Christmas because I am pleased with what I got for my son and content with not buying for everyone this year. Since mom's eye surgery in Sept. we have bills coming in left and right. So I decided no presents for big kids just the little ones. In fact the only presents under my tree are my son's and his girlfreind's. Usually it is a mix of mine and mom's nephews,nieces, brothers,sister with there wives and husbands and grandkids and great- grandkids. Well not this yr. I actully mailed presents to the little ones I wanted to get for and sent cards to the bigger ones telling them money is short so no presents. LOL! Well maybe not like that but they get it.
I found some tips online for surviving the Holidays. I have not really read them yet just copied and pasted. So here goes . I am reading them now. Have a Very Merry Christmas and remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
1. Try to maintain routine as much as you can. Don't allow holiday preparations to become disruptive or confusing. If the Alzheimer's patient normally naps after lunch, allow time in the schedule for that important activity.
Include the person with Alzheimer's in the activity to the extent she is able to participate. Simple activities such as folding the napkins, peeling the potatoes or setting the table will help the person feel that she is participating.
Because reminiscing can often be therapeutic for the person with Alzheimer's, invite family and friends to tell stories of times they have shared with that person. Include children in the telling of family stories.
Don't ask "Do you remember?" Testing the memory of a person with Alzheimer's Disease can be demoralizing to that person. Instead, introduce people by name and repeat the name frequently. Say something like "Your granddaughter Susie wants to tell you about the time you took her to the movies for the first time."
The sights, sounds, and tastes of the holidays may stimulate your loved one's senses. Sharing the singing of holiday songs is often an extremely enjoyable activity. The sight of a tree may stimulate fond memories of holidays past.
Try not to have too much going on at any one time, as it may confuse the person with Alzheimer's. If the number of people or the noise level causes distress, redirect the Alzheimer's patient by sitting quietly with him in another room or taking him for a walk. You might also consider sending the children to another area for a time.
Consider the time of day. Some Alzheimer's patients experience "sun downing" or evening confusion and may derive more pleasure from a lunchtime celebration.
.Alzheimer Care Facilitieswww.nursinghomes
Read more: How to Enjoy the Holidays with an Alzheimer's Patient |
I found some tips online for surviving the Holidays. I have not really read them yet just copied and pasted. So here goes . I am reading them now. Have a Very Merry Christmas and remember Jesus is the Reason for the Season.
1. Try to maintain routine as much as you can. Don't allow holiday preparations to become disruptive or confusing. If the Alzheimer's patient normally naps after lunch, allow time in the schedule for that important activity.
Include the person with Alzheimer's in the activity to the extent she is able to participate. Simple activities such as folding the napkins, peeling the potatoes or setting the table will help the person feel that she is participating.
Because reminiscing can often be therapeutic for the person with Alzheimer's, invite family and friends to tell stories of times they have shared with that person. Include children in the telling of family stories.
Don't ask "Do you remember?" Testing the memory of a person with Alzheimer's Disease can be demoralizing to that person. Instead, introduce people by name and repeat the name frequently. Say something like "Your granddaughter Susie wants to tell you about the time you took her to the movies for the first time."
The sights, sounds, and tastes of the holidays may stimulate your loved one's senses. Sharing the singing of holiday songs is often an extremely enjoyable activity. The sight of a tree may stimulate fond memories of holidays past.
Try not to have too much going on at any one time, as it may confuse the person with Alzheimer's. If the number of people or the noise level causes distress, redirect the Alzheimer's patient by sitting quietly with him in another room or taking him for a walk. You might also consider sending the children to another area for a time.
Consider the time of day. Some Alzheimer's patients experience "sun downing" or evening confusion and may derive more pleasure from a lunchtime celebration.
.Alzheimer Care Facilitieswww.nursinghomes
Read more: How to Enjoy the Holidays with an Alzheimer's Patient |
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Take Care Of Yourself
Hi to all my bloggers friends I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I have to say it was a very long day for me but the night was worse. I got very sick with a stomach flu. Which makes me not want to see dressing for another year for sure.It was very good dressing too. At the time I was eating it anyway.
My son had the flu last week so I guess it is going around. Lets just hope mom does not get it. The hardest part was having to care for mom. When I was up turning and changing her I also was in the bathroom tossing my cookies. Or dressing. Nasty! Anyway the hardest part was the next morning . I actully could of stayed in bed . I was not needing to run to the bathroom but I had to get up for mom. It was getting late and she needed changed , turned and fed. I did it . I got up but after I changed her and turned her I laid back down for another hour. Than I had to get up to fed her. So my tip this week from my book is on Survival. When I get done with this book I won't have anything to write about. That is sad. Anyway here goes.
1. Put staying healthy at the top of your list.
2.Have a backup plan in case something unexpected happens to you.
3.Keep your sense of humor.
4.Pat yourself on the back for the good job you are doing.
5.Get enough rest and eat right.
6.Make time for the things you like to do.
7.Talk about how you feel with others.
8.Listen to your friends.
9.Make a list of all the things your loved on can still do.
I am not sure if the last one applies to mom and me . She does not do anything much but open her mouth to eat and talk. But at least she is eating. Thank goodness for that. I guess when you make a list you see what there is to be thankful for. I get it!!!!
My son had the flu last week so I guess it is going around. Lets just hope mom does not get it. The hardest part was having to care for mom. When I was up turning and changing her I also was in the bathroom tossing my cookies. Or dressing. Nasty! Anyway the hardest part was the next morning . I actully could of stayed in bed . I was not needing to run to the bathroom but I had to get up for mom. It was getting late and she needed changed , turned and fed. I did it . I got up but after I changed her and turned her I laid back down for another hour. Than I had to get up to fed her. So my tip this week from my book is on Survival. When I get done with this book I won't have anything to write about. That is sad. Anyway here goes.
1. Put staying healthy at the top of your list.
2.Have a backup plan in case something unexpected happens to you.
3.Keep your sense of humor.
4.Pat yourself on the back for the good job you are doing.
5.Get enough rest and eat right.
6.Make time for the things you like to do.
7.Talk about how you feel with others.
8.Listen to your friends.
9.Make a list of all the things your loved on can still do.
I am not sure if the last one applies to mom and me . She does not do anything much but open her mouth to eat and talk. But at least she is eating. Thank goodness for that. I guess when you make a list you see what there is to be thankful for. I get it!!!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving
Let us all give Thanks for the lovely world about us, and all of those who care. For all the loved ones dear to us, Who's lives we joyfully share. Give Thanks for the freedoms won in strife by the children of us all, and keep the faith in God, and Love, and America cannot fall. Love you guys!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Refusing Care
Good morning everyone. It is a very cool or should I say cold Monday morning here in Arkansas . We are waiting on the Aid to come give mom her bath. My tip this post from my Alzheimer's Caregivers Playbook is on refusing care. Mom is long past this stage but I know many of my readers still have this stage to look forward to. I have to say it is a hard time. One of many . Now mom just lays in bed and we can do what we want to her . She does let out a yell sometimes but that is it. No hitting or scratching anymore.If I ask her anything now she may say yes and she may say no or she might just lay there and stare at me. But I don't know really if she understands my question or not. It seems like she does sometimes. I don't mind her yelling. It makes me feel like she is still there. So yell all you want mom. I just hope it is not from pain and just because she is mad at me.
Tip number 1. Keep a daily routine.
2. Don't ask " Do you want to bathe,brush your teeth or get dressed?"
3. In a happy voice, say "We need to ...( the care Activity)
4. Have all supplies ready before you start an activity.
5. Explain to her or him ,in simple terms , what you will be doing.
6. Make sure there refusal is not because they are afraid or does not understand what you are asking them to do.
7. If she begins to fight you, step away . Try again later.
Boy, I needed these tips when mom was in this stage. I did everything wrong. Good luck and I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.
Tip number 1. Keep a daily routine.
2. Don't ask " Do you want to bathe,brush your teeth or get dressed?"
3. In a happy voice, say "We need to ...( the care Activity)
4. Have all supplies ready before you start an activity.
5. Explain to her or him ,in simple terms , what you will be doing.
6. Make sure there refusal is not because they are afraid or does not understand what you are asking them to do.
7. If she begins to fight you, step away . Try again later.
Boy, I needed these tips when mom was in this stage. I did everything wrong. Good luck and I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
November is National Caregivers Month.
November is National Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month and National Family Caregivers Month
According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2010 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report, there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and as many as 10 million family caregivers.
Remember Caregivers you are not alone. Lots of help out there. It is one of the hardest jobs I have ever done. And if not for Hospice we would not of made it this far. Ask for help. Call someone, anyone. Your family,friends and doc. or your love ones doc. They have info. on how to get help. They don't always tell you about it till you ask . So ask. One person or even two cannot deal with care giving 24/7 on there own. Call DHS there is Elder Choices,The Area On Ageing. And don't forget your church or Pastor never forget to pray. The number one thing that has got me through this is my relationship with the Lord . When I am here alone just me and mom I am never really alone. I pray I cry I pray and cry some more and than the alone feeling goes away. Love you all . And take care of yourself so you can care for your love one.
According to the Alzheimer’s Association 2010 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures report, there are more than 5 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s and as many as 10 million family caregivers.
Remember Caregivers you are not alone. Lots of help out there. It is one of the hardest jobs I have ever done. And if not for Hospice we would not of made it this far. Ask for help. Call someone, anyone. Your family,friends and doc. or your love ones doc. They have info. on how to get help. They don't always tell you about it till you ask . So ask. One person or even two cannot deal with care giving 24/7 on there own. Call DHS there is Elder Choices,The Area On Ageing. And don't forget your church or Pastor never forget to pray. The number one thing that has got me through this is my relationship with the Lord . When I am here alone just me and mom I am never really alone. I pray I cry I pray and cry some more and than the alone feeling goes away. Love you all . And take care of yourself so you can care for your love one.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!!!!
We had a few trick -or- treaters last night. I am sure a lot more will come tonight. It has been very cold here in the mornings but nice during the day. We had to turn the furnace on. And I do hate that. It only runs a little while in the morning so that is good.
Mom has a little diaper rash in one spot so the nurse gave me some good cream with lots of zinc in it. Zinc is the key. Mom used to tear her skin on her arms so easy. She was so banged up and this was when she was getting around on her own. The doc. told her to start taking 100mg. of Zinc a day and her skin healed right up. My brother has started doing the same thing. He is only around 65 yrs old .But his skin is so thin. I told him to start taking Zinc. Don't think he has yet. If you have this problem ask your doc. about the mg. I might be wrong on that. Ask him anyway to see if it is right for you. And have a great Halloween. BOO!!!
Mom has a little diaper rash in one spot so the nurse gave me some good cream with lots of zinc in it. Zinc is the key. Mom used to tear her skin on her arms so easy. She was so banged up and this was when she was getting around on her own. The doc. told her to start taking 100mg. of Zinc a day and her skin healed right up. My brother has started doing the same thing. He is only around 65 yrs old .But his skin is so thin. I told him to start taking Zinc. Don't think he has yet. If you have this problem ask your doc. about the mg. I might be wrong on that. Ask him anyway to see if it is right for you. And have a great Halloween. BOO!!!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How Sweet It Is
Mom loves everything sweet . The sweeter the better. Well, she has been eating eggs for me since her eye surgery which she has not done in months. But she still makes a face every bite. So I found some recipes for egg pudding and egg custard. Can't believe I did not think of this before. She loves them and she is getting a lot of protein. Mom loves the egg pudding better then the custard but the recipe says it will cook in 40 Min's. No way!! It takes forever. And I cut the recipe in half. You just have to keep checking on it. Next time I am going to put it in a not so deep pan. I like the egg custard. It is tasty. Do not like all the butter so I have just been spraying the pan with butter flavor spray. Mom can't eat the crust that the butter makes anyway. Happy eating!
10 eggs
2 c. sugar
3 c. milk
1 tsp. nutmeg
Mix all together and place in a Pyrex deep bowl. Place in a pan of water and bake at 300 degrees for about 40 minutes. This recipe can be cut in half for smaller pudding.
4 large or 6 small eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup flour
1 can evaporated milk
1 can water
1 stick butter (1/4 lb)
Combine everything except butter, mixing well. In a heavy bottom pan or double boiler, put melted butter in pan (coat the sides and bottom, then leave the remaining butter) and pour in mixture.
Bake at 350F until a thin knife inserted in center comes out clean. Shut oven off and open door, allowing the custard to cool without moving it.
May be topped with sprinkling of lightly toasted flaked coconut, or a fruit sauce, if desired, before serving. May be served warm or chilled.
Variation: A favorite flavoring can be added to the custard before baking, such as a teaspoon of good quality vanilla, a tablespoon of coconut rum, etc. The custard may be poured over a graham cracker crumb or pie shell made from a rolled sugar cookie dough.
10 eggs
2 c. sugar
3 c. milk
1 tsp. nutmeg
Mix all together and place in a Pyrex deep bowl. Place in a pan of water and bake at 300 degrees for about 40 minutes. This recipe can be cut in half for smaller pudding.
4 large or 6 small eggs
1 1/2 cups sugar
3/4 cup flour
1 can evaporated milk
1 can water
1 stick butter (1/4 lb)
Combine everything except butter, mixing well. In a heavy bottom pan or double boiler, put melted butter in pan (coat the sides and bottom, then leave the remaining butter) and pour in mixture.
Bake at 350F until a thin knife inserted in center comes out clean. Shut oven off and open door, allowing the custard to cool without moving it.
May be topped with sprinkling of lightly toasted flaked coconut, or a fruit sauce, if desired, before serving. May be served warm or chilled.
Variation: A favorite flavoring can be added to the custard before baking, such as a teaspoon of good quality vanilla, a tablespoon of coconut rum, etc. The custard may be poured over a graham cracker crumb or pie shell made from a rolled sugar cookie dough.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Alzheimers With Love
This is a comment off Alzheimers With love Facebook page . If you have facebook check her out. She is great.
Freda R wrote:
"60% of Alzheimer's caregivers are women.
Of those women, 68% report they have emotional stress from caregiving.
Nearly half of these 68% rate their stress as a "5" on a scale of "1" to "5."
57% of all caregivers, including 2/3 of the women, admit they fear getting
4 in 10 caregivers say they had no choice about their new role.
I know....after taking care of my Alz. husband since 2006, I 'fear' very much of
getting Alzheimer's disease......."
Freda R wrote:
"60% of Alzheimer's caregivers are women.
Of those women, 68% report they have emotional stress from caregiving.
Nearly half of these 68% rate their stress as a "5" on a scale of "1" to "5."
57% of all caregivers, including 2/3 of the women, admit they fear getting
4 in 10 caregivers say they had no choice about their new role.
I know....after taking care of my Alz. husband since 2006, I 'fear' very much of
getting Alzheimer's disease......."
Friday, October 15, 2010
Late-Afternoon Behavior & Blog Action Day!!!
I am so glad it is Friday. And it is Blog Action Day and I forgot till a nice reader of my blog reminded me . This years topic is Clean Water. A billion people around the world are without clean drinking water. I could not go without water for 5 mins. Water is what helped me lose 40lbs. I drink a glass of water when I am hungry and I drink at least 4 glasses or more a day . I would never be able to know how hard it is to live without clean water. Stop by this wonderful link and learn about this years
My sleeping and moms have been messed up ever since we got back from the hospital. She has her days and nights confused and I just can't seem to get out of bed to turn and change her. I am sleeping through the alarm clock . I have it set for every 3 hrs. You are suppose to turn your bedridden loved one every 2 hours but with her air mattress I cheat and do it every 3 but lately I have not heard the alarm go off. Maybe the first time than I miss the next two. It is weird. And mom just lays in the bed wide eyed. She is not talking or yelling for me like she used to so I guess she is not in pain or having her sundowners like used to . But I got to get things back in order.
Anyway my tips for this post is on Late Night Behavior since ours is off. If your loved one is Fidgeting and acting nervous, becoming easily upset, and wanting to go "home" when they are already home are types of late-afternoon behavior . To her or him "home" means feeling safe. Mom used to do this all day . Want to go home. And when we went on vacation one year she tried to leave and walk home. We had to keep a close eye on her or she would of been gone. This was early in her disease. Before we know how bad it was. She thought home was across the street but it was really 6oo miles away.
1. Give them a hug.
2. Tell them where they are.
3. Tell them they are safe.
4. Tell them you are not leaving.
5. Change the topic.
6. Turn on more lights.
7. Close the blinds or curtains. "I don't know why you would do this". I guess so they won't want to go outside. But I hate the blinds closed .
8. Ask if they are hungry or if they will help you in the kitchen. "Mom would help my with dishes and folding laundry " This one might work.
9. Offer an easy activity like sorting spoons or forks or ask them to wipe off the table with you. I have done this . It does work too. Mom would wipe the table for me when ask.
10. Use a happy voice and make everything seem like a lot of fun. " I was very bad at this one" I was bossy and always in a bad mood. Seemed like when I said Earlene instead of Mom she would respond better. I regret this all the time. I wish I was more like a daughter than a caregiver back then. And now she does not respond to hugs and kisses much but back then she would of. So give them lots of hugs and kisses and nice words while they still want them.
My sleeping and moms have been messed up ever since we got back from the hospital. She has her days and nights confused and I just can't seem to get out of bed to turn and change her. I am sleeping through the alarm clock . I have it set for every 3 hrs. You are suppose to turn your bedridden loved one every 2 hours but with her air mattress I cheat and do it every 3 but lately I have not heard the alarm go off. Maybe the first time than I miss the next two. It is weird. And mom just lays in the bed wide eyed. She is not talking or yelling for me like she used to so I guess she is not in pain or having her sundowners like used to . But I got to get things back in order.
Anyway my tips for this post is on Late Night Behavior since ours is off. If your loved one is Fidgeting and acting nervous, becoming easily upset, and wanting to go "home" when they are already home are types of late-afternoon behavior . To her or him "home" means feeling safe. Mom used to do this all day . Want to go home. And when we went on vacation one year she tried to leave and walk home. We had to keep a close eye on her or she would of been gone. This was early in her disease. Before we know how bad it was. She thought home was across the street but it was really 6oo miles away.
1. Give them a hug.
2. Tell them where they are.
3. Tell them they are safe.
4. Tell them you are not leaving.
5. Change the topic.
6. Turn on more lights.
7. Close the blinds or curtains. "I don't know why you would do this". I guess so they won't want to go outside. But I hate the blinds closed .
8. Ask if they are hungry or if they will help you in the kitchen. "Mom would help my with dishes and folding laundry " This one might work.
9. Offer an easy activity like sorting spoons or forks or ask them to wipe off the table with you. I have done this . It does work too. Mom would wipe the table for me when ask.
10. Use a happy voice and make everything seem like a lot of fun. " I was very bad at this one" I was bossy and always in a bad mood. Seemed like when I said Earlene instead of Mom she would respond better. I regret this all the time. I wish I was more like a daughter than a caregiver back then. And now she does not respond to hugs and kisses much but back then she would of. So give them lots of hugs and kisses and nice words while they still want them.
Friday, October 8, 2010

Good morning all. Mom is getting a bath from Kay her aid. And I wanted to show you her new booties. While we were in the hospital the wound care people came to visit and gave mom some booties to protect her feet. Well I am sure we payed for them but anyway they are cute. I looked them up at All Day Medical and they are around $45 so very costly but nice.
If you need some I have a link at the bottom of my post for All Day Medical they do have lots of goodies. I just wish everything was free. Not sure if the Alzheimer's Store have them but you can check them out at
Anyway mom is doing great after her eye surgery . She is eating and talking a lot. I am having trouble getting enough fluids down her. Choking is a big problem . We have to thicken her drinks so much that it looks like honey . But she takes it good with a spoon. She is better now than a week ago. I just wish she would never get choked again. It is a very scary.
I have decided to post a tip or two from my book I got at the memory walk on caring for Alzheimer's patients. That way people might get a little useful info from this blog .
Tip for today is on pacing. Mom never really paced. She did do a lot of hitting and pushing and trying to walk out the door when it was bed time . But if we left her alone she would just sit in her chair and watch TV all day and night. I have to warn you if you let your loved one stay in there chair all night make them get up and go to the potty sometime during the night. I let mom stay in her chair all night and the next morning it was a mess. She even had a pair of adults pullups on . Needless to say we had to toss that chair out and buy a new one. I was so happy she was happy and sleeping that I never thought to make her get up. That was in the early stages of her using the bathroom in her pants so I was not big on making her go to the potty . I have learned a lot since than. Now of course it is all in a diaper . No more potty runs. I do miss potty runs . Never thought I would but I do.
Ok!! Here are a few tips on Pacing for those who might need them. Good luck.
One of the reasons for pacing is she or he might be scared and unsure of where they are so walk with them ,hold there hand,tell them they are safe and loved , offer them a snack they can carry in there hand as they walk, keep the walkway clear so they are safe from falling and Try to distract them from there pacing, Ask them to look at a magazine or work a puzzle with you.
Mom was not a puzzle kind of person but the walking with her and food thing would of worked. Have a great weekend.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Glad To Be Home
We just got back home Friday evening after a long stay at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Hospital in Little Rock Arkansas.
I think I told you before moms eye was giving her trouble well it just kept getting worse so had to have a eye doc. come check her out. I have to give Dr Jefferies a shout out . He did a house call. Thanks to him. Anyway he said her eyeball had ruptured so it needed to have surgery very soon. Well the next day we were off to Little Rock. Than the surgeon would not do surgery till the infection was gone. That took a week and than surgery and two days recovery and now we are at home. All is well. If it heals good and no infection sets in she will be feeling good soon I think. You can tell she is much better. I bet that nasty eye as been hurting her for a very long time. She just could not tell us. She has not opened in along time due to another surgery she had years ago. So hard to tell when it had ruptured. I just hope it is all better now.
I think I told you before moms eye was giving her trouble well it just kept getting worse so had to have a eye doc. come check her out. I have to give Dr Jefferies a shout out . He did a house call. Thanks to him. Anyway he said her eyeball had ruptured so it needed to have surgery very soon. Well the next day we were off to Little Rock. Than the surgeon would not do surgery till the infection was gone. That took a week and than surgery and two days recovery and now we are at home. All is well. If it heals good and no infection sets in she will be feeling good soon I think. You can tell she is much better. I bet that nasty eye as been hurting her for a very long time. She just could not tell us. She has not opened in along time due to another surgery she had years ago. So hard to tell when it had ruptured. I just hope it is all better now.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Memory Walk 2010

Our Memory Walk was a great success. And so much fun. There were games for the kids , free food ,gifts bags,door prizes,free samples , music and lots of money raised. Thanks everyone for your help and support.
I got a few copies of a book with wonderful tips in it for caregiving from one of the many tables sit up . If any of you would like one let me know . It is Coach Broyels Playbook for Alzheimer's Caregivers. Coach Broyles played for the Arkansas Razorbacks when he was in college and he was there Athletic Director for many years. His wife suffered from Alzheimer's also.
Here is the poem from his book.
Do not ask me to remember.
Don't try to make me understand.
Let me rest and know you're with me.
Kiss my cheek and hold my hand.
I'm confused beyond your concept.
I am sad and sick and lost.
All I know is that I need you.
To be with me at all cost.
Do not lose your patience with me.
Do not scold or curse or cry.
I can't help the way I'm acting.
Can't be different 'though I try.
Just remember that I need you.
That the best of me is gone.
Please don't fail to stand beside me.
Love me 'til my life is done.
Author unknown
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Happy Birthday Mom number 83
Mom is 83 today. My sister fed her lemon cake which is her favorite last night after supper. She ate most of it. Last year I don't think she ate as much. I can't believe I have had my blog for over a year. But I wrote a post on mom's birthday last year. Boy time passes fast.
She is doing good. Except her eye is still swollen. The hospice Doctor is coming to see her this week . They wanted me to take her to an eye doc. But I said that would be hard on her and me . Since I sold our wheelchair van it would be really hard. So the hospice doctor is doing a home visit. Hopefully we won't have to take her to the eye doctor.
It is so nice out. We got some much needed rain today. Our yard was all dry. The good thing about that is we don't have to mow the bad thing is it looks really bad.
My son started his Jr year at the University Of Arkansas and I am so proud. He got two grants and Two scholarship's this year. Which means no money out of his pocket for the first time since he started college. We are very happy about that. He even has money left over.
I want to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend.
She is doing good. Except her eye is still swollen. The hospice Doctor is coming to see her this week . They wanted me to take her to an eye doc. But I said that would be hard on her and me . Since I sold our wheelchair van it would be really hard. So the hospice doctor is doing a home visit. Hopefully we won't have to take her to the eye doctor.
It is so nice out. We got some much needed rain today. Our yard was all dry. The good thing about that is we don't have to mow the bad thing is it looks really bad.
My son started his Jr year at the University Of Arkansas and I am so proud. He got two grants and Two scholarship's this year. Which means no money out of his pocket for the first time since he started college. We are very happy about that. He even has money left over.
I want to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Labor Day Weekend.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Bear Hug Waltz
My very good blogger and facebook friend Donna lost her mother recently. Donna was the full time caregiver of her mom as I am of mine. I looked to her blog for advice, strength, comfort and just plan good reading. Donna is a very good writer . If you have not read her blogs you must. Just click on the title of this post and go for a visit.
Donna misses her mom. And the fact that she is free to do as she pleases anytime and for as long as she wants has not set in yet I don't think. I know these days are coming for me and I am a little scared. What will I do when mom passes. Can I go back to work or will I be a big chicken to do anything else after just caring for mom all these years. Sometimes when I drive to Wal-mart the traffic overwhelms me. All the people makes me nervous and I just want to go back home.
I hope I can be strong like Donna . She went to Church with her whole family this Sunday . No one had to stay home with mom. Missing mom is hard but getting to go to church with nothing to worry about at home must of been refreshing. I hope she forgives me for writing this post about her but she is one of my inspirations and I want her to know how proud I am of getting to know her. And I hope I can be as good a caregiver as she was.
Donna misses her mom. And the fact that she is free to do as she pleases anytime and for as long as she wants has not set in yet I don't think. I know these days are coming for me and I am a little scared. What will I do when mom passes. Can I go back to work or will I be a big chicken to do anything else after just caring for mom all these years. Sometimes when I drive to Wal-mart the traffic overwhelms me. All the people makes me nervous and I just want to go back home.
I hope I can be strong like Donna . She went to Church with her whole family this Sunday . No one had to stay home with mom. Missing mom is hard but getting to go to church with nothing to worry about at home must of been refreshing. I hope she forgives me for writing this post about her but she is one of my inspirations and I want her to know how proud I am of getting to know her. And I hope I can be as good a caregiver as she was.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Shampoo Cap

I washed mom's hair today. Just for fun really because the aid does that once or twice a week . But the nurse gave me a shower cap to wash her hair with and I wanted to play with it. You put it in the microwave for 30 seconds than put it on your love ones hair and start working it in. It was to hot right out of the microwave so make sure you let it cool or do less seconds. Anyway it was fun. If I had to do it I would not be so much fun because when I had to I hated it . But you don't even have to rinse the hair after. So cool.
Notice moms swollen eye. It might not look so bad if she would smile. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon. But we can hope. Anyway she has a bad eye from detached retina surgery years ago and it is infected. We have her on eye drops. I hope they work . They have in the past. I am not even going to try to take her to the eye doc. So lets pray the eye drops work. Thanks .
If you want a fancy shower cap to wash your love ones hair or yours you can get them from the Alzheimer's store. I know I have wrote about this before but I love this stuff.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Geri Chair

First I have to thank everyone for supporting me in my Memory Walk . I reached my goal. And I am going for more but I am bugging other people now. Thanks again.
Second I have a new toy for mom it is a Geri Chair. Short for Geriatric I would guess. It is like a recliner on wheels. I am having trouble getting her in it because of you constricted legs. Which are getting worse everyday. But once I get her in it she looks comfy. Kind of. I can put her in it in her room and bring her to the living room or kitchen than let her relax in it for awhile longer than if she was in her wheelchair . The back is higher and she can lay her head back to nap with the help of a pillow. Her back is so curved that she can't lay back straight anymore. That sucks. It is almost has hard to get her in it has it was her easy chair but the good thing about it is you can put her in it in the bed room and than move her where ever you want. I don't have to lift her out of bed put in her wheelchair than out of the wheelchair and into her easy chair which I used to do. Not sure if I like it but I am going to try it for a week or so than send it back if I can't get the hang of it. Click on the title to go to a Geri Chair website. But I would not want to buy one . Hospice is letting me borrow this one. Thank goodness for Hospice again.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Memory Walk

5.3 Million Americans are living with Alzheimer's,Every 70 seconds someone develops Alzheimer's, Alzheimer's is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S.
My wonderful niece has started a team in Honor of my mom to walk in our area's Memory Walk for Alzheimer's this year. I have always felt bad when all my blogger friends are talking about going on there memory walks and I have never done one. Well this year I am going to get off my bottom and walk. If you want info. on this walk click on the blog title and it should take you to our link and maybe you will be able to find one in your area. Thanks guys Please join me in supporting a great cause:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
You Dirty Dog
Mom has been very alert this week. She even told the aid she had missed her while she was on vacation. Mom's aid took a week off and when she came back she told mom I'm back and mom said I missed you. That made her aid very happy. Mom's nurse thinks she said her name. But we are not sure on that. But yesterday my son came home from eating out with his girl and I ask him were they went and he said Red Lobster. Well, I said "You are a dirty dog" and mom said NO you are. Wonderful. I love it.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Carnation Instant Breakfast
I have been buying the cheap version of Ensure for years for mom and when I am out I have been giving her what ever I have in the cabinet. Instant breakfast, Ovaltine ,Slimfast. Of course she does not need to lose weight the slimfast was just to get her to drink something while I was out of Ensure. Anyway at Sam's Wholesale Club you can get 22 Carnation Instant Breakfast packets for less then $8 and the store brand Ensure is 24 bottles for $20 . I checked the nutrition amounts on the labels and it is almost the same. So no more store brand Ensure for me it is Carnation Instant Breakfast from now on. And if I say so myself the Carnation taste a whole lot better than the Ensure store brand of not. There is a few more things in the Ensure but it is small amounts that I don't think it will make that much differance. The Carnation has fiber and the Cheap Ensure has now. So hopefully it will even out.
Before taking your loved one off Ensure ask you Doc. what he thinks. Moms nurse said it was Ok.
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
Before taking your loved one off Ensure ask you Doc. what he thinks. Moms nurse said it was Ok.
Happy Fourth of July!!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day!!!

I want to say Happy Fathers Day to all. I have some very nice Fathers out there that follow my blog. And I know that most of my female blogger friends have great husbands and fathers. So happy fathers day.
I was 4 months pregnant when my father was killed in a farming accident. It was fast and over with before anyone could do anything about it. He went to the farm and later that day a nurse called me at work and said your father has been killed and your mother wanted me to call for her. I was in shock. All the way to her home I was praying it was a mistake . That was Oct . 1989. My son was born in April 1990.
I took a pregnancy test that morning because I came over to visit mom and dad for lunch one day and he was cooking. The smell made me very sick . He said you must be pregnant. I never had a reg. period so skipping a month or two was no big deal but I thought about it and said you might be right. In my head I was trying to figure out when my last monthly was. Silly right? Not for me. Anyway the next chance I had I took a home test and it was positive. But I never got to tell dad he was right.
I had my baby boy and mom cared for him while I worked . She said once if not for him she would of died so Thank God for my son . I just wish her and dad were both here healthy and normal so that we could all enjoy growing older together. She is missing what a wonderful man my son has become because of Alz's but she got to help make him that way. My dad never got to meet him at all. So I say now tell your moms and dads how much you love them everyday because tomorrow may never come.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
I went to a wonderful wedding this weekend. My cousin's daughter got married. I guess that makes her my second cousin right? Anyway it was a great wedding. I got to see some of my favorite people that I have not seen in awhile. My sister stayed with mom. She is shy and going to family get-togethers has never been her thing. So she was happy to stay with mom. Her son is getting married in July and she is not looking forward to dressing up and having to meet her future daughter- in-law's family but she is going to do it. And you just don't know what a big deal that is for her. She is the type to not open the door to someone if she is not in the mood to visit. Boy she would kill me if she knew I was talking about her. So I better shut up. Anyway thanks again sis for watching mom. After the wedding we went site seeing . It took us only an hour to get to the wedding but 3 hrs to get back because we did a lot of site-seeing. When I was little we used to go visit family in Missouri all the time but it has been awhile so a lot of things have changed. It was fun. But my bottom was sore from sitting so long. Could hardly walk when we got out of the truck.
Mom stayed in bed most of the day. We decided to leave her in bed while I was gone since it is so hard to get her up and down by ourselves. And having to keep stress off her feet is hard for one person. We don't want anymore skin tears or blisters. But when I got home we did get her up for supper so that was good. I think she was ready to get back in bed early and I was ready to go to bed early so right after supper we hit the hay. Lazy aren't we?
Mom stayed in bed most of the day. We decided to leave her in bed while I was gone since it is so hard to get her up and down by ourselves. And having to keep stress off her feet is hard for one person. We don't want anymore skin tears or blisters. But when I got home we did get her up for supper so that was good. I think she was ready to get back in bed early and I was ready to go to bed early so right after supper we hit the hay. Lazy aren't we?
Thursday, June 3, 2010
A Caregivers Prayer
Monday, May 31, 2010

I am really excited I got the coolest award ever from Thank you again Donna!
OH! did I say I was really, really,really excited. I really am.
Now, as recipient of this award I must .......and you must!
1. Get really excited that you got the coolest award ever!
2. Choose one of the following options of accepting the Oh My Blog! award:
(a) Get really drunk and blog for 15 minutes straight,
or for as long as you can focus.
(b) Write about your most embarrassing moment.
(c) Write a “soundtrack of your childhood” post.
(d) Make your next blog a ‘vlog’/video blog where
you’re basically talking to the camera about whatever.
(e) Take a picture of yourself first thing in the morning,
before you do anything else (hair, make up, etc) and post it.
3. Pass the award onto at least three, but preferably more,
awesome bloggers and let them know.
Ok, I got all excited for winning this award and as you can see things get a bit hairy around our house in the morning and I have no makeup on . So now I am going to pick three very wonderful people to give this award too. I wish I could give awards to all my blogger friends because you guys are great and like I always say if you don't like doing awards I understand but I want you to know I am thinking of you.
# 1 is Leslie at Something brilliant is brewing because she is one of strongest ladies I know.
#2 goes to Papa he writes great poams and he has Judi and together they are unstoppable.
#3 goes to Judi she takes very pretty pictures . They need to be in a magazine. She has so much talent and shares it free with us. Thanks. And she keeps Papa out of trouble which I bet is hard but I know she loves it.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thank You Bear Hug Waltz

I received an award today. I have to thank Donna at
for this award. She gives me great advice and helps me through hard times with her wonderful poems, words of wisdom, friendship and info. on all things important.We have a lot in common when it comes to our care giving journey. With lots of prayers I do believe we might make it.
The award is the HAPPY 101 and I have to tell you 10 things that make me happy or are my favorite things. Well of course this is 1 of them Blogging. These are in no order so I will just write them as I think them up.
Than there is my Son he has to be number 1 but don't tell him he is in the number 2 spot.When he comes home I just smile from ear to ear. I love the sound of his car door slamming shut.
I guess number 3 would be mom on a good day. If she says something that makes sense I call everyone and tell them before I forget. That makes me happy.
4Th will be eating out . I love to eat out but these days it is take-out a lot. So number 5 will be take-out. I really don't like to cook so take-out makes be very happy.
6 will be baking I love to bake . Don't know why I hate to cook but love to bake. weird right? Eating raw cookie dough makes me happy.
When I have money to go shopping after paying bills makes me happy and just the fact that I get out of the house makes it even better so that is 7 and 8.
I will say getting some lovin from my furry friends sure does make a sad moment into a happy one so Pets are 9.
10 is a going to be getting my awards. I have such good blogging friends. And the fact that they think I deserve awards is beyond me . Thank you all.
Now I am surpose to past this on and I would like to pass this award to some wonderful blogger friends.There are so many I wish I could list them all.
Thanks for coming to visit and sticking around. You all help when I need advice or just someone to listen to me. and you let me into your lives by letting me read your wonderful blogs. You make a long lonely day into a little time in another place. Sometimes you have bad days and sometimes you have good days but sharing your days with me helps me make it through my day . Thank you all for your sweet words. And I pray only good days ahead for all of us and our love ones.
I know some of you don't like to do awards so don't worry about following the directions.I can't remember all the ones who told me that they did not like it. Sorry. But just wanted you to know I was thinking about you.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Another worry.

Just when I thought I had enough to worry about my son goes and buys himself a motorcycle. Great.
This has been a busy week. My dishwasher is broke so I have been doing dishes by hand. Who does that anymore? And then the sewer backed up. There went $150 down the drain. When the plumber got it unplugged anyway.
But I had one good day. My friend and I went out to eat, shopping here and there and than to the mall. Thanks Charlotte.
Mom is in her easy chair . She is talking away. I answer her but we aren't really talking about anything. Maybe she is but I just don't get it. Since her feet have been blistered I have not been putting her in her easy chair much because I did not want to bust a blister. The last few days I started doing it more because almost all the blisters are gone . She doesn't seem to like it. She does not get comfortable and fall asleep like she used too. Getting her up and down is hard on her feet . They get bumped all the time. So she has been in bed a lot the last few weeks are more. I am trying to get her back on routine . It is not going so well. She got so sick all of a sudden than it takes so long to get her back to normal. We are getting there .Slow but sure.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mothers Day!
Happy Mothers to all. My son is in Tulsa Okla. He took his girlfriend to a concert for her birthday. But he spent the day with me yesterday. His girlfriend came over early and brought the fixings for homemade blueberry pancakes. So if I had of stayed in bed a little later might of had breakfast in bed. But I got up just in time for the pancakes to be put on the table.
They were great. Than we went to the spring War Eagle Arts and Crafts fair.There is a big fair in the fall and a small one in the spring. This is the first time I have been to the small one. It was nice. The big one brings in thousands of people. I can live without that. But I have been there many times. After the fair we came home and he made lunch on the grill and homemade fudge for dessert. I had a nice early moms day.
Mom had her same old oatmeal and yogart for her moms day feast. But she seemed enjoyed it.
My sister stayed with mom yesterday and came over today to feed her lunch and help put her down for a nap . Which is not normal for the weekend. Most weekends it's just me and mom. She wanted to be with us on moms day I guess.
While mom was napping my sister and I went hunting out in the shed. Her granddaughter is in need of a dining room table and mom and dad kept everything . So we went to digging and found two old dining tables, two coffee table's , a desk and a baby bassinet. Don't know who's baby that bassinet belonged to but it is nice. I remember the rest of the stuff or seen it in pictures.There is a wood stove out there but I knew it was there. Dad used to have it in the living room. I remember warming my bottom by it many times. Nothing better than a nice warm fire on a cold morning. The rest of the stuff was a surprise. It is fun finding old stuff but a little dusty. Hope all had a nice day.
They were great. Than we went to the spring War Eagle Arts and Crafts fair.There is a big fair in the fall and a small one in the spring. This is the first time I have been to the small one. It was nice. The big one brings in thousands of people. I can live without that. But I have been there many times. After the fair we came home and he made lunch on the grill and homemade fudge for dessert. I had a nice early moms day.
Mom had her same old oatmeal and yogart for her moms day feast. But she seemed enjoyed it.
My sister stayed with mom yesterday and came over today to feed her lunch and help put her down for a nap . Which is not normal for the weekend. Most weekends it's just me and mom. She wanted to be with us on moms day I guess.
While mom was napping my sister and I went hunting out in the shed. Her granddaughter is in need of a dining room table and mom and dad kept everything . So we went to digging and found two old dining tables, two coffee table's , a desk and a baby bassinet. Don't know who's baby that bassinet belonged to but it is nice. I remember the rest of the stuff or seen it in pictures.There is a wood stove out there but I knew it was there. Dad used to have it in the living room. I remember warming my bottom by it many times. Nothing better than a nice warm fire on a cold morning. The rest of the stuff was a surprise. It is fun finding old stuff but a little dusty. Hope all had a nice day.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Another Day Another Dollar
No dollar for us but at least another day. Mom is sleeping. I could of slept late this morning but my cat wanted out and bugged me till I got up. So I turned and changed mom, let the cat out , ate breakfast and took a shower. And it is just now 7 am. I need to go back to bed. I really need to go the church. Wonder if my son would freak out if he got up and I was gone. For many years we got up every Sunday to go to church with mom . And he even went some without us when mom could not go anymore. But it is not hard to get out of the habit. I just hope someday we can get back into the habit of going again.
Mom's sores are healing up fine. Not sure if she still has fluid on her lungs. Sounds like it sometimes but will have to wait to see when the nurse comes tomorrow. I don't know what triggered all this bad stuff but glad it is over.
One of my readers said her loved one was at the end many times over a course of 6 years. Than I believe my blog friend said they died comfurtly in there sleep one night . I do hope mom goes home nice and easy one night in her sleep. When it is her time. I pray for this everyday.
Mom's sores are healing up fine. Not sure if she still has fluid on her lungs. Sounds like it sometimes but will have to wait to see when the nurse comes tomorrow. I don't know what triggered all this bad stuff but glad it is over.
One of my readers said her loved one was at the end many times over a course of 6 years. Than I believe my blog friend said they died comfurtly in there sleep one night . I do hope mom goes home nice and easy one night in her sleep. When it is her time. I pray for this everyday.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Mom Update
Mom is still hanging in there. I knew it was not her time. Of course if I had sent her to the Hospice Home I am sure she would of went ahead and died now or in the near future. They are wonderful people but that is there job . Make the patient comfortable but let nature take it's course.
She is eating better and not choking as much. I have to give her morphine which opens up her lungs. She did have fluid on her lungs and still does but the nurse gave her a pill to help get rid of that. Morphine is good for pain and helping her breathe. It really works . The blisters and sores are still popping up. She has two new ones. I hate that because I love getting her out of bed but I hate having to take it easy not to tear her skin. I can't get her in her easy chair by myself with out rubbing all her sores so need someone help me. The nurse has them wrapped up good but I still hate it. Just a week ago I could get her in a out of bed, wheelchair and easy chair without worrying at all. Now I have to take it so easy. She eats if I get her out of bed. Not as much as a week ago. She went from 4 cups of hot cereal or more a day to 2 cups if we are lucky. Fruit and yogurt are still her food of choice . Drinks has to be thick like puree.
Her bones are sticking out a lot. Looks like the one on her shoulder wants to pop out of her skin. It is such a major change. I feel like she is getting close to the end. But I am not giving up on her . As long as she opens her mouth for a bite I feel she is ok. Papa told me to tell her I love her and I did and she said I love you too. So she is still in there somewhere. I don't want to just send her away and let her starve to death. If she is going to die I think I will let it happen here. But next week may be a different story. Thanks for the comments and prayers. Last week I was going a bit crazy but now I'm back to normal. Almost.
She is eating better and not choking as much. I have to give her morphine which opens up her lungs. She did have fluid on her lungs and still does but the nurse gave her a pill to help get rid of that. Morphine is good for pain and helping her breathe. It really works . The blisters and sores are still popping up. She has two new ones. I hate that because I love getting her out of bed but I hate having to take it easy not to tear her skin. I can't get her in her easy chair by myself with out rubbing all her sores so need someone help me. The nurse has them wrapped up good but I still hate it. Just a week ago I could get her in a out of bed, wheelchair and easy chair without worrying at all. Now I have to take it so easy. She eats if I get her out of bed. Not as much as a week ago. She went from 4 cups of hot cereal or more a day to 2 cups if we are lucky. Fruit and yogurt are still her food of choice . Drinks has to be thick like puree.
Her bones are sticking out a lot. Looks like the one on her shoulder wants to pop out of her skin. It is such a major change. I feel like she is getting close to the end. But I am not giving up on her . As long as she opens her mouth for a bite I feel she is ok. Papa told me to tell her I love her and I did and she said I love you too. So she is still in there somewhere. I don't want to just send her away and let her starve to death. If she is going to die I think I will let it happen here. But next week may be a different story. Thanks for the comments and prayers. Last week I was going a bit crazy but now I'm back to normal. Almost.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Skin Tear
Mom has here first skin tear. I looked in the dictionary to spell Tear. It says a fluid secreted by the eye .Well that is the wrong word but it also said Tear is a rip or torn place.That is the word I want. It is a noun and verb. We all have a new brain wrinkle today. My son told me every time you learn something new you get a brain wrinkle. But you guys most likely already know they were spelled the same. So maybe I am the only one with a new brain wrinkle .
Anyway . Mom also had two blister's that had to be covered so they would not turn into a skin tear and a new blister came up last night so it will have to be covered today.
All these just popped up overnight . It feels like that anyway.
She is also is having trouble breathing,swallowing and weight loss. I mean I think she lost 20 lbs this week. Crazy right. How many people would pay a mint to lost 20lbs in a week. Well it sucks. I can tell you that.
Can you all guess what the Hospice nurse's and doc's say about all this?
They think it might be the end. And if I want I can put her in the hospice home till the end or let her stay here. But I am not really sure it is the end. I think she is just dehydrated again. And if I can get her to drink she will come out of it. She has so many times before.
Or should I just give up and say OK take her let her die.
I am going to wait a week and see if I can get her to drink. The swallowing is a problem she is getting choked a lot. The danger of fluid in her lungs is really high. Actually I think the nurse said she does have fluid in her lungs already. I can't remember . To much stuff to process right now. But I am not giving up on her right this min. I will let you know what happens in a week. If I don't explode before than. Prayers everyone please.
Blisters form as a result of heat, moisture and friction. Blisters can also form as a result of fungal infections of the skin, allergic reactions or burns. If a patient has diabetes, they should be evaluated by a doctor in a timely fashion. Generally, a person will recognize a burn by association with a specific painful event. People with diabetes may not be able recognize the painful event due to a condition called neuropathy. A doctor should attend to burns. Blisters are due to fungal infection of the skin or to allergic reactions, which will generally occur in clusters and be smaller than blisters caused by friction. They will also often occur in areas of the foot, which are free from friction forces. NOTE: Moms nurse said not to bust the blisters. She covered moms and said if they don't tear the liquid will absorb back into skin. That way there is a less chance of infection.
The area should be protected with a non-stick bandage with mild compression. Ice to "hot spots" can be soothing and reduce the thermal damage to the surrounding area. "Double socking" can prevent blisters associated with athletics. Wearing two pair of socks allows the friction to be absorbed between the socks reducing friction to the skin. A sock has been developed that helps to reduce friction and blistering called the Thro-lo sock. It is useful for athletics and for diabetic patients. They are widely available in athletic shoe and apparel stores. Skin protectant sprays and adhesive gel pads are also available.
Abrasions to the skin are a result of excessive friction resulting in the partial loss of the epidermis. The area should be cleaned with an antibacterial soap and dressed with a non-stick bandage and a topical antibiotic ointment. It may take several weeks for the area to completely heal. During this period, the area should be protected from shearing forces. Deep abrasions can result in scaring. Any sign of infection should prompt a visit to the doctor.
Skin Tears
Skin Tears result from a rapid, forceful shear to the skin. Skin tears are most commonly self inflicted by improperly removing adhesive dressings and tape. Careful counter pressure should be applied to the skin near the adhesive dressing as the dressing or tape is slowly removed. A common misconception is that paper tape will not damage the skin. To the contrary this tape can really stick to the skin and will tear the skin if removed improperly.
BEDSORE :Bedsores, more accurately called pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are areas of damaged skin and tissue that develop when sustained pressure cuts off circulation to vulnerable parts of your body, especially the skin on your buttocks, hips and heels. Without adequate blood flow, the affected tissue dies.
Although people living with paralysis are especially at risk, anyone who is bedridden, uses a wheelchair or is unable to change positions without help can develop bedsores.
Bedsores can develop quickly, progress rapidly and are often difficult to heal. Yet health experts say many of these wounds don't have to occur. Key preventive measures can maintain the skin's integrity and encourage healing of bedsores
Anyway . Mom also had two blister's that had to be covered so they would not turn into a skin tear and a new blister came up last night so it will have to be covered today.
All these just popped up overnight . It feels like that anyway.
She is also is having trouble breathing,swallowing and weight loss. I mean I think she lost 20 lbs this week. Crazy right. How many people would pay a mint to lost 20lbs in a week. Well it sucks. I can tell you that.
Can you all guess what the Hospice nurse's and doc's say about all this?
They think it might be the end. And if I want I can put her in the hospice home till the end or let her stay here. But I am not really sure it is the end. I think she is just dehydrated again. And if I can get her to drink she will come out of it. She has so many times before.
Or should I just give up and say OK take her let her die.
I am going to wait a week and see if I can get her to drink. The swallowing is a problem she is getting choked a lot. The danger of fluid in her lungs is really high. Actually I think the nurse said she does have fluid in her lungs already. I can't remember . To much stuff to process right now. But I am not giving up on her right this min. I will let you know what happens in a week. If I don't explode before than. Prayers everyone please.
Blisters form as a result of heat, moisture and friction. Blisters can also form as a result of fungal infections of the skin, allergic reactions or burns. If a patient has diabetes, they should be evaluated by a doctor in a timely fashion. Generally, a person will recognize a burn by association with a specific painful event. People with diabetes may not be able recognize the painful event due to a condition called neuropathy. A doctor should attend to burns. Blisters are due to fungal infection of the skin or to allergic reactions, which will generally occur in clusters and be smaller than blisters caused by friction. They will also often occur in areas of the foot, which are free from friction forces. NOTE: Moms nurse said not to bust the blisters. She covered moms and said if they don't tear the liquid will absorb back into skin. That way there is a less chance of infection.
The area should be protected with a non-stick bandage with mild compression. Ice to "hot spots" can be soothing and reduce the thermal damage to the surrounding area. "Double socking" can prevent blisters associated with athletics. Wearing two pair of socks allows the friction to be absorbed between the socks reducing friction to the skin. A sock has been developed that helps to reduce friction and blistering called the Thro-lo sock. It is useful for athletics and for diabetic patients. They are widely available in athletic shoe and apparel stores. Skin protectant sprays and adhesive gel pads are also available.
Abrasions to the skin are a result of excessive friction resulting in the partial loss of the epidermis. The area should be cleaned with an antibacterial soap and dressed with a non-stick bandage and a topical antibiotic ointment. It may take several weeks for the area to completely heal. During this period, the area should be protected from shearing forces. Deep abrasions can result in scaring. Any sign of infection should prompt a visit to the doctor.
Skin Tears
Skin Tears result from a rapid, forceful shear to the skin. Skin tears are most commonly self inflicted by improperly removing adhesive dressings and tape. Careful counter pressure should be applied to the skin near the adhesive dressing as the dressing or tape is slowly removed. A common misconception is that paper tape will not damage the skin. To the contrary this tape can really stick to the skin and will tear the skin if removed improperly.
BEDSORE :Bedsores, more accurately called pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are areas of damaged skin and tissue that develop when sustained pressure cuts off circulation to vulnerable parts of your body, especially the skin on your buttocks, hips and heels. Without adequate blood flow, the affected tissue dies.
Although people living with paralysis are especially at risk, anyone who is bedridden, uses a wheelchair or is unable to change positions without help can develop bedsores.
Bedsores can develop quickly, progress rapidly and are often difficult to heal. Yet health experts say many of these wounds don't have to occur. Key preventive measures can maintain the skin's integrity and encourage healing of bedsores
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is a very important tool in my line of work. We go through many jars a month to keep mom from getting diaper rash. At Wal-mart I found out that if you buy the store brand petroleum jelly in the large container in the pharmacy dept. It is cheaper than the same brand that is in the baby needs section of the Health and Beauty Aids dept. The lids are a different color but they are still the store brand and same size jar.I can't remember how much cheaper. I keep forgetting to write it down so I can tell everyone. Around 5 cents I think. And don't go to the baby department they just have little jars. Seems like having Petroleum jelly in 3 differant places is a bit much. I guess that is the way they make there money. It is the same with baby wipes or handy wipes. They have them all over the place. I have not checked to see which is cheaper. The health and beauty aids dept. have lots more to pick from and in bigger packages. So my bet is on the health and beauty aids dept. being cheaper than the others. And baby wipes are cheaper than the adult wipes. Bad thing is the sheets are so much smaller but they still work.
Did I mention that it is 6 a.m. I should be in bed. Could not sleep. Everyone else is a sleep except the birds. They are singing so I think this is going to be a nice spring day.
If you don't see your comments I have been accidently deleteing before they got published or something sorry. I be dumb.
Did I mention that it is 6 a.m. I should be in bed. Could not sleep. Everyone else is a sleep except the birds. They are singing so I think this is going to be a nice spring day.
If you don't see your comments I have been accidently deleteing before they got published or something sorry. I be dumb.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
I wonder why my mom has to live like this? Not really living just existing. Last night my best friends dad died.He was a wonderful man and he could always make me smile. He has been sick a long time with diabetes. But he was still living. He could go to Wal-mart or to visit his kids on Christmas. Lately he has had lots of surgeries on his feet caused by the diabetes. I think after his last surgery he would of been almost back to normal but than he had a heart attack or stroke that left him with no brain activity and than he died.Of course we will never know. But He did not go on for years like people with Alz's. He was taken soon and that is a blessing for him and his family.
Has you might remember one of my friends died this last winter from a fall on the ice. She was young and had many years left to live yet my mom just sits in her chair no life ahead of her. Just existing.
And 20 yrs ago my dad died in a farming accident. He loved cattle and he died working cattle. But he died way to soon. He was strong and healthy and had a great mind. But here sits my mom no life just existing. I wonder why? God only knows. And I trust in his judgement. It is all I have.
Has you might remember one of my friends died this last winter from a fall on the ice. She was young and had many years left to live yet my mom just sits in her chair no life ahead of her. Just existing.
And 20 yrs ago my dad died in a farming accident. He loved cattle and he died working cattle. But he died way to soon. He was strong and healthy and had a great mind. But here sits my mom no life just existing. I wonder why? God only knows. And I trust in his judgement. It is all I have.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter Sunday. Easter is one of my favorite days.Almost 20 years ago my son was born on Easter Sunday so that makes it very special to me. But he was also born on tax day April 15Th. I still don't care for tax day much. :)
It is going to be a pretty day . High 70's. Mom is still in bed . She is not asleep. In fact she has been awake all night. Talking her little head off. At least she does not try to run away anymore. It has been years since she has even tried to get out of bed. I do wish she could walk again but don't miss having to keep an eye on her 24/7.
My son stayed with friends last night which makes for a lonely Easter so far.
I love Easter service and did not get to go to one this year. I made it last year but not this one. I think it is my favorite service. Christmas is a close second.
I am excited about my son's birthday. I want to take him to supper and to a movie. Not sure when I will get to. He is busy and I have to get a sitter for mom. Of course it is still a few days away so I am sure we will find the time some where in the next two weeks.
Everyone have a Blessed Easter Sunday!!!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
3/4's Of An Inch.
Well spring as sprung. It is in the high 70's . I have the windows open and a nice breeze is blowing through the house. It is very nice.
Mom's nurse remeasured mom's arm today. And she has lost 3/4's of and inch. This is good news and bad news. It means hospice will keep coming to care for mom. But it also means mom is losing weight which some Alz's patients do no matter how much you can get them to eat. And that is not good. But it has been a while since the nurse measured mom's arm. And that means she is not losing weight very fast.I can try to feed her more and she will be in a bad mood or I can leave things alone and she will be happy but losing weight. If it is the Alz's causing her to lose weight it won't matter how much I get her to eat. I have a headache. Well at least the weather is nice.
Mom's nurse remeasured mom's arm today. And she has lost 3/4's of and inch. This is good news and bad news. It means hospice will keep coming to care for mom. But it also means mom is losing weight which some Alz's patients do no matter how much you can get them to eat. And that is not good. But it has been a while since the nurse measured mom's arm. And that means she is not losing weight very fast.I can try to feed her more and she will be in a bad mood or I can leave things alone and she will be happy but losing weight. If it is the Alz's causing her to lose weight it won't matter how much I get her to eat. I have a headache. Well at least the weather is nice.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Our Spring Snow Is Melting.

We got 8inch's of snow at our house. Some got lots more. It was so pretty. But for the first day of spring I would of rather had sunshine. And my son had to drive in awful weather for hours before gettin to Colorado. Than he said it was nice all the way to the mountains. Today it was sunny and all the snow is melting. Hopefully only sunny days for awhile. This sure has been along winter.
My sis just left . She came over to feed mom and let me run to the store. Which I really needed to do. Can't remember the last time I went out. I am sure it was last week but must of not been fun because I sure don't remember it. Oh! Yes I do. I ran to the ice cream store and got the makings for hot fudge sundies on Friday for me and my son. It was fun. Silly me. Any way she will be back later to spend the night. I will sleep all night and late in the morning. That will be very nice.
Moms Chaplin from Hospice came today. He had a nice visit with her. She was eating lunch so was awake. She put up with him for awhile and answered all his questions. But than she just stopped talking . I guess she had enough of that and decided it was nap time. We said a nice prayer and he was on his way.
I have been kind of sick all weekend "Might of been to much ice cream" not much better today and I have plans for this Thursday night to go to a cooking show with friends. One of my friend's big mean old cow's stepped on her foot yesterday so haven't heard if she broke it or not. Maybe with me being sick and her hurt foot our trip to the cooking show might be off. But we will see.Wish us luck.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
First Day Of Spring
It is raining and going to turn to snow . 6 to 8 inch's maybe. The first day of spring. Really?
My son,his girlfriend and two more friends just left for a Colorado Spring Break Ski Trip. They have to drive in a snow storm to get to more snow. Me, I would of went to the beach. Silly Kids.
Mom is sleeping. Of course it is 6 am. I should go back to bed too. But I was hungry and made me a blueberry bagel. It was good. I think mom might have a UTI. Seems to be going around the family. My sis had one and even her little 4 yr. old granddaughter. They both had to make a trip the the ER. Mom has them off and on. I have talked about them before. It is common for people in moms condition.
We went down a diaper size which shows mom is losing weight . Also common. Even if she ate like a horse she would start losing weight at some point in this disease. Of course she does not eat like a horse. I do that for both of us.Think I'll have another bagel.
Had a dad at posted a very important post that we all need to read about Alz's and driving do not mix. It is a must read. Click on my title and I think it will take you to her blog.
My son,his girlfriend and two more friends just left for a Colorado Spring Break Ski Trip. They have to drive in a snow storm to get to more snow. Me, I would of went to the beach. Silly Kids.
Mom is sleeping. Of course it is 6 am. I should go back to bed too. But I was hungry and made me a blueberry bagel. It was good. I think mom might have a UTI. Seems to be going around the family. My sis had one and even her little 4 yr. old granddaughter. They both had to make a trip the the ER. Mom has them off and on. I have talked about them before. It is common for people in moms condition.
We went down a diaper size which shows mom is losing weight . Also common. Even if she ate like a horse she would start losing weight at some point in this disease. Of course she does not eat like a horse. I do that for both of us.Think I'll have another bagel.
Had a dad at posted a very important post that we all need to read about Alz's and driving do not mix. It is a must read. Click on my title and I think it will take you to her blog.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Money In The Bank
If you remember from an old post we were trying to sell moms van with an wheelchair lift. We did it. It sold this week. Now hope we don't need it. If hospice stops coming I might wish I had it back.But there is two services which I have used before to transport mom. And they don't cost that much so I will call on them again if needed.
On another note the aid brought mom some hospital gowns to wear. Mom will not lift her arms anymore . So we have to pull them up to get her washed, dressed or undressed and it hurts her. She holds them so tight next to her chest.I have to admit the hospital gowns make things a lot easier but I hate her wearing them. She used to wear pants all the time so every morning I would tug them up over her legs and down to change her than my sister said lets start putting her in skirts. Great idea . Only had to pull them up in the morning and down at night. The rest of the day we just lifted her skirt to change her. Shame on us . Lifting mom's skirt. But now it is hospital gowns. Like I said I hate her in them but they are so much nicer to work with. Time for bed. Night all.
On another note the aid brought mom some hospital gowns to wear. Mom will not lift her arms anymore . So we have to pull them up to get her washed, dressed or undressed and it hurts her. She holds them so tight next to her chest.I have to admit the hospital gowns make things a lot easier but I hate her wearing them. She used to wear pants all the time so every morning I would tug them up over her legs and down to change her than my sister said lets start putting her in skirts. Great idea . Only had to pull them up in the morning and down at night. The rest of the day we just lifted her skirt to change her. Shame on us . Lifting mom's skirt. But now it is hospital gowns. Like I said I hate her in them but they are so much nicer to work with. Time for bed. Night all.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
60 degress
It is nice out. I made sun tea. I just had to . Actually I made it yesterday. The sun was shinning.Today not so sunny. Good thing I made it yesterday.
Mom is napping . I vacuumed. And swept the kitchen floor. Our Water hose to the ice maker had a leak so we had a mess yesterday morning in the floor. I turned off the water. And my son took it apart to find the hole. We just have to run to the hardware store to get a new hose and it will be fixed. He wanted to plug the hole or cut the hose at the hole and make it shorter. But he has not done that yet . He had to go do stuff at his Frat. house. They keep him busy on the weekends.Anyway we have lots of ice so no hurry.
Moms nurse starts coming only once a week this next week since mom is not getting any worse. No changes in awhile.The aid is still coming twice a week. I don't care how often they come just as long as they bring goodies. Diapers,handiwipes,med. and such.
If they stop coming I will be up the creek without a paddle. Having to buy all that stuff again will be a pain not to mention having to start taking mom to the doc. again. I don't think mom or me can handle that. I don't want mom to get worse but I don't want Hospice to stop coming. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Mom is napping . I vacuumed. And swept the kitchen floor. Our Water hose to the ice maker had a leak so we had a mess yesterday morning in the floor. I turned off the water. And my son took it apart to find the hole. We just have to run to the hardware store to get a new hose and it will be fixed. He wanted to plug the hole or cut the hose at the hole and make it shorter. But he has not done that yet . He had to go do stuff at his Frat. house. They keep him busy on the weekends.Anyway we have lots of ice so no hurry.
Moms nurse starts coming only once a week this next week since mom is not getting any worse. No changes in awhile.The aid is still coming twice a week. I don't care how often they come just as long as they bring goodies. Diapers,handiwipes,med. and such.
If they stop coming I will be up the creek without a paddle. Having to buy all that stuff again will be a pain not to mention having to start taking mom to the doc. again. I don't think mom or me can handle that. I don't want mom to get worse but I don't want Hospice to stop coming. We are stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Up And Down.

I want to think all my blog friends for there nice comments on my silly post. Don't know why I posted my last post but it was something to post. I am running out of things to say. Nothing different happens anymore. Mom just stays the same. Which is a good thing. No worst for the wear.
My sister was here all day yesterday. I did not go to the mall like I had planned but it was nice my sister being here. She cannot get mom up and down by herself nor can anyone else . The Lift scares her. She and my brother have dumped mom in the floor before. My sister has actually called 911 because she thought mom was hurt. I have dumped her more than once but not for along time. And since my sister hurt her back she can not do a lot of moving ,pushing and lifting without the Lift like she used to. Which you have to do a lot of. Also I can have people from Hospice come sit with mom but they are just volunteers they will only sit no lifting with or without the Lift. No feeding or changing either. Of course the Aid can do everything but she can not sit with mom while I run out she is a busy women many more baths to give to other people. But My sister feeds, changes and dresses mom . I can come and go whenever I please so when she is here I am really free to do what I want. But I need to be home when it is time to move her from one place to the next. Bed, wheelchair or easy chair. If mom was in a nursing home she would be bed bound all day but not here we keep moving her around. It gets on your nerves a bit and that is where the crying comes in. If I am alone and I am about to get her out of bed for the 100th time I start to cry. I just don't want to do it. But than I do so she won't get a bed sore. No bed sores yet. Thank the Lord.
I don't cry because I am lonely. I have family and friends come and go a lot. But like my Bear Waltz blog friend said they rarely understand whats going on. My Friends are here for me so that is good. One of my school friends is bringing mom some canned peaches sometime this week because she loves her peach puree. And I have a couple friends I used to work with that likes to bring me Take-out. But family sometimes makes me nervous . They just come in I think so they can say they came to check on mom and they are gone. But if I need them I can call on them anytime . I do know that. And if I said I am going to be gone all day they would stay but than mom would just sit in her chair all day or bed . I can't stand that. I have done it but it ruins my day because I need to get home to move mom. Or change her. What if she went to the bathroom while in her chair. She really needs to be put to bed and changed. Anyway today is not a crying day so far. It is raining outside. Tears from Heaven. I like that.
I don't cry because I am lonely. I have family and friends come and go a lot. But like my Bear Waltz blog friend said they rarely understand whats going on. My Friends are here for me so that is good. One of my school friends is bringing mom some canned peaches sometime this week because she loves her peach puree. And I have a couple friends I used to work with that likes to bring me Take-out. But family sometimes makes me nervous . They just come in I think so they can say they came to check on mom and they are gone. But if I need them I can call on them anytime . I do know that. And if I said I am going to be gone all day they would stay but than mom would just sit in her chair all day or bed . I can't stand that. I have done it but it ruins my day because I need to get home to move mom. Or change her. What if she went to the bathroom while in her chair. She really needs to be put to bed and changed. Anyway today is not a crying day so far. It is raining outside. Tears from Heaven. I like that.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Is It Friday Yet?
This has been a awful week. I have cried and pigged out and cried and pigged out some more. As soon as my son came home last night I went to Wal-mart to get mom some yogurt and applesauce . We used all our peaches that I got from the canning company wholesale store. If I had not made a peach pie they would of lasted longer but it was a very good pie.
Anyway it can't be because I am stuck here that this has been such a long week. I have been running in and out. I got invited to go to lunch with friends but could not get away for that long. It is good to have friends thinking of me. Thanks everyone.
Maybe because the sun was shining and I wanted or needed to do more. Tomorrow is my yearly checkup so I get to go to the Doc. Yippee!!! My sister is feeling better so she is going to come stay with mom. This weekend I am going to the Mall and Mall Walk with my niece and her friends . That will make me feel better . I love to people watch and window shop. And I have a couple birthdays to buy for. I think we might go see a movie and eat out. Since my sis has had a whole week off I am going to make a day of it. Of course she was sick so I might be nice and not make a day of it. I don't know I am getting happy just thinking about it. I feel better all ready.
Anyway it can't be because I am stuck here that this has been such a long week. I have been running in and out. I got invited to go to lunch with friends but could not get away for that long. It is good to have friends thinking of me. Thanks everyone.
Maybe because the sun was shining and I wanted or needed to do more. Tomorrow is my yearly checkup so I get to go to the Doc. Yippee!!! My sister is feeling better so she is going to come stay with mom. This weekend I am going to the Mall and Mall Walk with my niece and her friends . That will make me feel better . I love to people watch and window shop. And I have a couple birthdays to buy for. I think we might go see a movie and eat out. Since my sis has had a whole week off I am going to make a day of it. Of course she was sick so I might be nice and not make a day of it. I don't know I am getting happy just thinking about it. I feel better all ready.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Retirement Is Scary.
I guess you could say I am retired. I stopped working so I could care for mom but I am planning to go back to work when I can. I miss my paycheck. Having a paycheck coming in is wonderful.
My sister retired in Oct. this past year and has been sick ever since. First she hurt her back and was down for weeks and now she has a Urinary Track Infection. She had to go to the ER they gave her lots of med's. UTI are one of the causes that Alz's patients die. At end of life you have to decide to treat the infection or let it run it's course. I am not ready to make that choice yet. Mom used to get them all the time. So far she has not had one in awhile. I am so glad.
Anyway back to retirement. My dad wanted to retire so bad he did early and was killed in a farming accident a little over a year later. My brother in-law retired last year and is bored to death he is depressed and has nothing he likes to do. So far the only one that likes being retired is my brother who retired about 2 years ago. But he is raising his teenage granddaughter and she is keeping him busy with church and school activities. I was so happy when my brother retired because I thought he would come over and help with mom more but he just gets mad and stays away. I also was happy when my sister retired because we had great plans on caring for mom. If only my sister would get healthy again maybe we can start doing some of our plans .
When I get a chance I am going back to work. Like I said retirement is scary.
My sister retired in Oct. this past year and has been sick ever since. First she hurt her back and was down for weeks and now she has a Urinary Track Infection. She had to go to the ER they gave her lots of med's. UTI are one of the causes that Alz's patients die. At end of life you have to decide to treat the infection or let it run it's course. I am not ready to make that choice yet. Mom used to get them all the time. So far she has not had one in awhile. I am so glad.
Anyway back to retirement. My dad wanted to retire so bad he did early and was killed in a farming accident a little over a year later. My brother in-law retired last year and is bored to death he is depressed and has nothing he likes to do. So far the only one that likes being retired is my brother who retired about 2 years ago. But he is raising his teenage granddaughter and she is keeping him busy with church and school activities. I was so happy when my brother retired because I thought he would come over and help with mom more but he just gets mad and stays away. I also was happy when my sister retired because we had great plans on caring for mom. If only my sister would get healthy again maybe we can start doing some of our plans .
When I get a chance I am going back to work. Like I said retirement is scary.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Health Website
I came across this website from Kimberly Clark. It has lots of good info on the importance of washing your hands and much more to keep infections away. Thought you all might want to check it out.
It is a nice day out. All are snow is melting. The sun is shining. Mom is in bed but not napping . She has been wide awake all week. No naps. I don't know whats going on. She is still talking to us and even moving around a little. Which is a big deal. :)
Happy Valentines Day Every One.
It is a nice day out. All are snow is melting. The sun is shining. Mom is in bed but not napping . She has been wide awake all week. No naps. I don't know whats going on. She is still talking to us and even moving around a little. Which is a big deal. :)
Happy Valentines Day Every One.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Eating Like A Baby Bird.

Moms has had another change . I don't know what to think of her sometime. For months we have been trying to get her to eat. It use to take hours to feed her until I decided not to force feed her anymore. But now she just opens her month for every bite. Like a baby bird. Of course it has to be something sweet. She is still on her Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal diet. But who cares. And the Thicken is working so well. No more getting chocked. I have found that if I make it thick enough for a spoon she likes it better. The peach puree and yogurt are hit too. I even crush her pills and put in it. She used to not eat her crushed pill in anything because of the taste. So I mix it in her drink. But now it is back to Applesauce or puree.
A pill crusher is a must have device. I have two .
Sunday, February 7, 2010
My friend G. A. died a few days ago. She slipped on some ice hit her head and never recovered.
I have not seen her in years. She moved to Dallas along time ago and I just found out today at her visitation that she moved back here less than a month ago to be near her mom.
Just the other day when I was having lunch with another friend and her husband he ask me who I hung out with in school. I forgot her!! And she was one of my closest friends. How awful is that?
Today I want everyone to know that G.A. was one of my dearest, closest and best friends. I will miss her deeply. I will never forget her again and may she be in God's arms tonight. And please pray for her family.
I have not seen her in years. She moved to Dallas along time ago and I just found out today at her visitation that she moved back here less than a month ago to be near her mom.
Just the other day when I was having lunch with another friend and her husband he ask me who I hung out with in school. I forgot her!! And she was one of my closest friends. How awful is that?
Today I want everyone to know that G.A. was one of my dearest, closest and best friends. I will miss her deeply. I will never forget her again and may she be in God's arms tonight. And please pray for her family.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Peach Puree
My friend from school took me to a store that sells canned food by the cases. Allen Canning Company in Siloam Springs Arkansas. It's kind of a outlet store for the canning company.
Anyway I got lots of needed canned food. Mom is going to have peach puree at breakfast tomorrow. I am sure she is tired of applesauce. I am. :)
We also had a nice lunch. And my sister and her grand -daughter cared for mom. I must say they did a nice job. She is napping in her easy chair now. So all is good.
The Nurse comes tomorrow but not the aid. Mom's Aid changed her days from Mon. and Thurs. to Mon. and Fri. This maybe better for mom . Not so many visiters in one day. Never know with mom. She was talking alot when I got home . I believe she enjoyed my sister being here . A break from me. :)
My son is joining a fraternity tonight. I hope they don't haze him. We have watched to many movies about that. He is a pledge for a few weeks and has to do everything they tell him to. It will be great fun I hope. Cross your fingers that he does not have to run around campus in a dress .
Anyway I got lots of needed canned food. Mom is going to have peach puree at breakfast tomorrow. I am sure she is tired of applesauce. I am. :)
We also had a nice lunch. And my sister and her grand -daughter cared for mom. I must say they did a nice job. She is napping in her easy chair now. So all is good.
The Nurse comes tomorrow but not the aid. Mom's Aid changed her days from Mon. and Thurs. to Mon. and Fri. This maybe better for mom . Not so many visiters in one day. Never know with mom. She was talking alot when I got home . I believe she enjoyed my sister being here . A break from me. :)
My son is joining a fraternity tonight. I hope they don't haze him. We have watched to many movies about that. He is a pledge for a few weeks and has to do everything they tell him to. It will be great fun I hope. Cross your fingers that he does not have to run around campus in a dress .
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Winter Wonderland Again

This is our second big snow of the season. We have been without a good snow for years and we had two already this year. Lately we have just been getting nasty ice. I like the snow better.
Mom is napping I told her we had a big snow storm but she made no comment. She ate a good breakfast and was happy to get in her easy chair. Some people look forward to the day when all they have to do is eat and sleep. No more getting up in the morning and going to work. Well I think that may be over rated. Look out for what you wish for.
My son is playing his piano. He finally came home. I was glad to see him.
Doing homework and playing on his guitar, banjo or piano keeps him busy at home.He also can play the trumpet but we sold it on Ebay. We have music all the time. Mom used to yell when he played his trumpet or guitar but now she just sleeps. Those were the good old days.
I told him if he gets bored he can go shovel the driveway. I won't hold my breath. :)
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thick-it or ThickenUp

I finally got mom some stuff to thicken her drinks. I ask the hospice nurse for some. It is working great. Mom is not choking at all on her liquids. I even put some in soup. She ate it but still likes Oatmeal better. I would rather used Potato Flakes to thicken soup so she can get more nutrition.
Ours is called Thicken up. It works great. You can make it just a little thick where it will go though a straw or real thick like pudding and you can use a spoon. Depends on if mom will drink or won't rather I use straw or spoon. She is different every meal.
We are getting so much snow. It is very pretty. About 5 inch's and still snowing. I am glad to be in the nice warm house. My son got snowed in at his girlfriends. Not sure if on purpose or accident. What do you think?
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My Big Mouth!!!
Today is Wed. no Aid or Nurse today. So I thought. That is what I get for only being nice when we have company. The real me is crazy and sometimes down right mean.
I was in the shower and my son was getting ready to leave for class. Well the water got ice cold . I yelled you better of had to use the bathroom really bad. I am going to kick your " I should of said butt " but said the other word. I really was kidding. He hates using my moms bathroom because you have to go though her bedroom but I just thought he had to really bad and flushed the toilet. I really was yelling just to be silly. Than I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I stuck my head out of the shower and said what. He said "mom the aid is here" . I said ok. What else is there to say.
I was in the shower and my son was getting ready to leave for class. Well the water got ice cold . I yelled you better of had to use the bathroom really bad. I am going to kick your " I should of said butt " but said the other word. I really was kidding. He hates using my moms bathroom because you have to go though her bedroom but I just thought he had to really bad and flushed the toilet. I really was yelling just to be silly. Than I heard a knock on the bathroom door. I stuck my head out of the shower and said what. He said "mom the aid is here" . I said ok. What else is there to say.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Snow And Ice Coming
Winter is coming back. We had a few nice days lately. Temperatures in the 60's but now we are under a winter storm watch. Going to rain than turn into freezing rain and than snow . I just hope the power stays on. It has been a year to this date since we had our last ice storm and we were without power for days. Some for weeks.
Update on moms rash. It looks better to me. The Hospice Home was out of the good medicine so keeping diaper rash med. on it. So far so good. I have been cleaning under her breast and her fat rolls everyday. Putting on lots of Diaper rash med. Even on the days the aid does not come. Aren't you proud of me? Well I hate it . But doing it with a smile on my face. Really. At least I don't worry about it so much. The first night after the aid found it I could not sleep.
Update on moms rash. It looks better to me. The Hospice Home was out of the good medicine so keeping diaper rash med. on it. So far so good. I have been cleaning under her breast and her fat rolls everyday. Putting on lots of Diaper rash med. Even on the days the aid does not come. Aren't you proud of me? Well I hate it . But doing it with a smile on my face. Really. At least I don't worry about it so much. The first night after the aid found it I could not sleep.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Fat Rolls
Yes I am talking about the rolls of fat around our tummies and our back fat . I hate back fat. The fat that hangs over your bra kind of under the arm or over the back.
Mom is losing weight due to poor eating habits but I think that makes her jelly roll or spare tire even worse. All that lose fat. I work hard and so does the aid cleaning and putting lotion or rash med. in between them to keep them clean and fresh. But the aid found a raw spot under a roll I have never even noticed. It is a few inch's under her left arm. Starting under her breast and going all the way round to her back. Oh, that nasty back fat. It is a small roll but it has a raw spot or rash. We make sure she has lotion under her breast always but we missed that little roll. We have it covered in diaper rash med. right now but Monday the aid is bringing some real good med. to put on it that will heal it right up she said. Thank goodness she found it. Darn I am mad at myself. Remember I had gotten lazy on days when the aid did not come.Time for me to get unlazy. Doubt I will but I sure need too.
Mom is losing weight due to poor eating habits but I think that makes her jelly roll or spare tire even worse. All that lose fat. I work hard and so does the aid cleaning and putting lotion or rash med. in between them to keep them clean and fresh. But the aid found a raw spot under a roll I have never even noticed. It is a few inch's under her left arm. Starting under her breast and going all the way round to her back. Oh, that nasty back fat. It is a small roll but it has a raw spot or rash. We make sure she has lotion under her breast always but we missed that little roll. We have it covered in diaper rash med. right now but Monday the aid is bringing some real good med. to put on it that will heal it right up she said. Thank goodness she found it. Darn I am mad at myself. Remember I had gotten lazy on days when the aid did not come.Time for me to get unlazy. Doubt I will but I sure need too.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I have ran out of things to write about. In my earlier post my mind was full of things to share. But now everything is at a stand still. We are all just waiting for Mom to forget how to swallow. Or stop going to the bathroom. If she can't swallow anymore we have to make the choice to stop feeding her or put a tube in her tummy and feed her that way. And if she stops using the bathroom. We will have to start putting in a catheter. The nurse would have to come everyday to change it and clean it I guess. We are waiting for mom to get fluid in her lungs and she we come down with pneumonia.Or if she gets an UTI. I have to decide if I want to give her medicine to make her better or just let nature take it's course. Moms nurse said many Alz's patients die from Urine Track Infection's.
She will start losing weight no matter how much I get her to eat. She will get pressure sores even if I turn her every hour because of her skin breakdown.
We are also waiting for when her brain forgets to tell her to take a breath or tell her heart to take a beat. All these things the Hospice counselor has told me might happen. Do I send her to the Hospice Home to finish out her days when these things start happening or do I let her stay home and hope she goes peacefully in her sleep. It might be months or years before any of these things happen but it could be tomorrow. It is just a waiting game now.
She will start losing weight no matter how much I get her to eat. She will get pressure sores even if I turn her every hour because of her skin breakdown.
We are also waiting for when her brain forgets to tell her to take a breath or tell her heart to take a beat. All these things the Hospice counselor has told me might happen. Do I send her to the Hospice Home to finish out her days when these things start happening or do I let her stay home and hope she goes peacefully in her sleep. It might be months or years before any of these things happen but it could be tomorrow. It is just a waiting game now.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Waiting on the Aid
Hello all! I have nothing really to post. Everything is the same. Chilly outside, Mom sitting in her wheelchair waiting for the Aid to come and give her a bath and shampoo. My son is sleeping due to the 3 day weekend no classes today. He was sad the Cowboys lost to the Vikings yesterday. And said he was tired of football so did not watch the Chargers and Jets. I think if the Cowboys would of won he would not be tired of football.
My inside outside cat is begging to go out. He just came in 5 min's. ago. Just like a man a pain in the bottom.
Are any of you on Facebook? Since joining Facebook I have connected with a lot of friends from school. It is great fun to look into there lives. Facebook is also a way to see what is going on in my family that I would not really know if not on Facebook. A nice way to be nosey without them really knowing it. My son won't let me be his friend but his girlfriend is my friend . So Ha! to him.
The aid just came so better get off of here and pretend to be doing something constructive.
My inside outside cat is begging to go out. He just came in 5 min's. ago. Just like a man a pain in the bottom.
Are any of you on Facebook? Since joining Facebook I have connected with a lot of friends from school. It is great fun to look into there lives. Facebook is also a way to see what is going on in my family that I would not really know if not on Facebook. A nice way to be nosey without them really knowing it. My son won't let me be his friend but his girlfriend is my friend . So Ha! to him.
The aid just came so better get off of here and pretend to be doing something constructive.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Say Yes Or No.
I was changing mom this morning and she was talking away. I was not listening again I guess and was just saying Ahmmm something like that. She yelled "Say yes or No and lets get on with it". But I never did figure out what we were going to get on with.
My son is back in class today. The snow is melting . It is 30 degrees out . A heat wave for sure.
I have a few new followers I want to welcome and Thank you for stopping by. And Hi to all my old friends. I enjoy your comments. Since the holidays I have gotten so behind on your post. I am going to try to catch up today. Things are almost back to normal. Our normal is not normal to most people but I am ready for it. There as been people in and out everyday since Christmas. Teenagers , Family and Friends. I will miss them that is for sure. But a day of rest will be nice. Tomorrow It will be boring around here again.
My son and his girlfriend took me to Olive Garden last week and I could get out of the house almost everyday if I wanted to because someone was here to stay with mom. It was to cold to want to go anywhere but I could if I wanted. That makes all the difference.
My son is back in class today. The snow is melting . It is 30 degrees out . A heat wave for sure.
I have a few new followers I want to welcome and Thank you for stopping by. And Hi to all my old friends. I enjoy your comments. Since the holidays I have gotten so behind on your post. I am going to try to catch up today. Things are almost back to normal. Our normal is not normal to most people but I am ready for it. There as been people in and out everyday since Christmas. Teenagers , Family and Friends. I will miss them that is for sure. But a day of rest will be nice. Tomorrow It will be boring around here again.
My son and his girlfriend took me to Olive Garden last week and I could get out of the house almost everyday if I wanted to because someone was here to stay with mom. It was to cold to want to go anywhere but I could if I wanted. That makes all the difference.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Packed Full Of Info.

Hi, everyone. It is 9 degrees out today. Burrr . We still have snow from Christmas . Just a little but it won't melt. I am ready for spring.
I was changing mom the other day and she said "I going to bite you" So I said " I'll bite you back" and she just started laughing. That was cool.
I have some book's and a CD with some great info. on caregiving for Alz's. patients. It is from 2008 but still full of good stuff . If one of you wonderful blogger friends of mine what them give me a yell at and I will send them to you. First come first serve. It is not a giveaway. Just a regift. My newphew gave them to me along time ago and they have helped me alot. Now time to pass them on.
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The Early, Mild to Moderate and Advanced stages of Alzheimer's in the brain.

Seven Stages of Alzheimer's
1. No sign of congnitive impairment.
2. Very mild congnitive decline.
3. Mild congnitive decline.
4. Moderate congnitive decline.
5. Moderately severe congnitive decline.
6. Severe congnitive decline.
7. Very severe congnitive decline.
(Congnitive pertains to the mental process of perception, memory, judgement, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.)
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