I wanted to post some tips on keeping your love one going to the restroom and not having so many accidents. Mom was going through a stage were she got up every 5 Min's to go to the restroom. I had to get up to because she would just fall anytime anyplace and she needed help cleaning up after. It was so tiring. So when she stopped getting up and just started using the bathroom anywhere I was so lazy and just put her in adult pullups and now diapers. Big mistake. I should of followed these tips. I suggest if possible keep your love one moving as long as you can because when they stop it is so much worse than before.
1. Mark the bathroom clearly with a sign that says "bathroom" or a picture of a toilet.
2. Watch for cues like fidgeting with clothing or pacing.
3.Write down the time of day that toilet accidents happen to better prevent future accidents.
4. Walk with your love one to the bathroom every 2 or 3 hours. Don't make a big deal out of it . Don't wait for them to ask . Say "We need to go to the bathroom ."
5. Carry extra toileting supplies with you when you are away from home.
Tips are from my Coach Broyle's Playbook for Alzheimer's caregivers.
According to the Alzheimer's Association :
- In 2010, Alzheimer's and other dementias cost Americans $172 billion
- Between 2010 and 2050, the costs to Medicare of caring for someone with Alzheimer's will increase over 600 percent
- Out-of-pocket costs to families will grow more than 400 percent during the same time
- Federal spending does not measure upThe National Institutes of Health spends more than $6 billion a year on cancer research, over $4 billion on heart disease and more than $3 billion on HIV/AIDS research. But it spends only $480 million on Alzheimer research – and deaths from this disease are soaring.
- These deseases are awful and I pray one day there will be a cure for them all.