First I have to thank everyone for supporting me in my Memory Walk . I reached my goal. And I am going for more but I am bugging other people now. Thanks again.
Second I have a new toy for mom it is a Geri Chair. Short for Geriatric I would guess. It is like a recliner on wheels. I am having trouble getting her in it because of you constricted legs. Which are getting worse everyday. But once I get her in it she looks comfy. Kind of. I can put her in it in her room and bring her to the living room or kitchen than let her relax in it for awhile longer than if she was in her wheelchair . The back is higher and she can lay her head back to nap with the help of a pillow. Her back is so curved that she can't lay back straight anymore. That sucks. It is almost has hard to get her in it has it was her easy chair but the good thing about it is you can put her in it in the bed room and than move her where ever you want. I don't have to lift her out of bed put in her wheelchair than out of the wheelchair and into her easy chair which I used to do. Not sure if I like it but I am going to try it for a week or so than send it back if I can't get the hang of it. Click on the title to go to a Geri Chair website. But I would not want to buy one . Hospice is letting me borrow this one. Thank goodness for Hospice again.