Mom has here first skin tear. I looked in the dictionary to spell Tear. It says a fluid secreted by the eye .Well that is the wrong word but it also said Tear is a rip or torn place.That is the word I want. It is a noun and verb. We all have a new brain wrinkle today. My son told me every time you learn something new you get a brain wrinkle. But you guys most likely already know they were spelled the same. So maybe I am the only one with a new brain wrinkle .
Anyway . Mom also had two blister's that had to be covered so they would not turn into a skin tear and a new blister came up last night so it will have to be covered today.
All these just popped up overnight . It feels like that anyway.
She is also is having trouble breathing,swallowing and weight loss. I mean I think she lost 20 lbs this week. Crazy right. How many people would pay a mint to lost 20lbs in a week. Well it sucks. I can tell you that.
Can you all guess what the Hospice nurse's and doc's say about all this?
They think it might be the end. And if I want I can put her in the hospice home till the end or let her stay here. But I am not really sure it is the end. I think she is just dehydrated again. And if I can get her to drink she will come out of it. She has so many times before.
Or should I just give up and say OK take her let her die.
I am going to wait a week and see if I can get her to drink. The swallowing is a problem she is getting choked a lot. The danger of fluid in her lungs is really high. Actually I think the nurse said she does have fluid in her lungs already. I can't remember . To much stuff to process right now. But I am not giving up on her right this min. I will let you know what happens in a week. If I don't explode before than. Prayers everyone please.
Blisters form as a result of heat, moisture and friction. Blisters can also form as a result of fungal infections of the skin, allergic reactions or burns. If a patient has diabetes, they should be evaluated by a doctor in a timely fashion. Generally, a person will recognize a burn by association with a specific painful event. People with diabetes may not be able recognize the painful event due to a condition called neuropathy. A doctor should attend to burns. Blisters are due to fungal infection of the skin or to allergic reactions, which will generally occur in clusters and be smaller than blisters caused by friction. They will also often occur in areas of the foot, which are free from friction forces. NOTE: Moms nurse said not to bust the blisters. She covered moms and said if they don't tear the liquid will absorb back into skin. That way there is a less chance of infection.
The area should be protected with a non-stick bandage with mild compression. Ice to "hot spots" can be soothing and reduce the thermal damage to the surrounding area. "Double socking" can prevent blisters associated with athletics. Wearing two pair of socks allows the friction to be absorbed between the socks reducing friction to the skin. A sock has been developed that helps to reduce friction and blistering called the Thro-lo sock. It is useful for athletics and for diabetic patients. They are widely available in athletic shoe and apparel stores. Skin protectant sprays and adhesive gel pads are also available.
Abrasions to the skin are a result of excessive friction resulting in the partial loss of the epidermis. The area should be cleaned with an antibacterial soap and dressed with a non-stick bandage and a topical antibiotic ointment. It may take several weeks for the area to completely heal. During this period, the area should be protected from shearing forces. Deep abrasions can result in scaring. Any sign of infection should prompt a visit to the doctor.
Skin Tears
Skin Tears result from a rapid, forceful shear to the skin. Skin tears are most commonly self inflicted by improperly removing adhesive dressings and tape. Careful counter pressure should be applied to the skin near the adhesive dressing as the dressing or tape is slowly removed. A common misconception is that paper tape will not damage the skin. To the contrary this tape can really stick to the skin and will tear the skin if removed improperly.
BEDSORE :Bedsores, more accurately called pressure sores or pressure ulcers, are areas of damaged skin and tissue that develop when sustained pressure cuts off circulation to vulnerable parts of your body, especially the skin on your buttocks, hips and heels. Without adequate blood flow, the affected tissue dies.
Although people living with paralysis are especially at risk, anyone who is bedridden, uses a wheelchair or is unable to change positions without help can develop bedsores.
Bedsores can develop quickly, progress rapidly and are often difficult to heal. Yet health experts say many of these wounds don't have to occur. Key preventive measures can maintain the skin's integrity and encourage healing of bedsores
Thursday, April 22, 2010
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The Early, Mild to Moderate and Advanced stages of Alzheimer's in the brain.

Seven Stages of Alzheimer's
1. No sign of congnitive impairment.
2. Very mild congnitive decline.
3. Mild congnitive decline.
4. Moderate congnitive decline.
5. Moderately severe congnitive decline.
6. Severe congnitive decline.
7. Very severe congnitive decline.
(Congnitive pertains to the mental process of perception, memory, judgement, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.)
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Girlfriend...I know your Momma isn't in a place where she can thank you for all you are doing for her....
ReplyDeleteSo I will in her place. Thank you.
Love to you~Rebecca
Dear Karen,
ReplyDeleteYour dear mother's body will indeed give out but her soul, memory, energy and love will last forever. I am sending you lots of love today. Let what is going to happen ~ happen. And just be there for her.
Oh, Karen, I am so sorry that God doesn't put an expiration date on our loved ones. You don't want her to suffer, but it can't be easy to make a decision to do nothing. It is not in our nature to just let go & not "fix" her.
ReplyDeleteWe, as loving children, hate that the circle of life brings us to this point. You are in my prayers every day. Your road is not an smooth one.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN
THIS IS A VERY HARD TIME I KNOW,,,,, Take a breath and feel what is right in your heart. It MAY very well be "the end" although I have seen so many PROLONG it for a long time. Hang in there and MANY PRAYERS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY I KNOW HOW HARD THIS IS.!!!!!
ReplyDeleteKaren you are in my thoughts and prayers.....I can't imagine how difficult this must be. You will always have the knowledge that you've given your mother so much love and attention.
Karen, Smile and hug your mother. Tell her you love her and be there for her. If you do this then you will have done enough.
ReplyDeleteOur dear Karen,
ReplyDeleteThanks for pouring out your heart, finding the words, expressing the emotions you feel at this difficult time. Be there for your Mom whether at Hospice or at home--that's what is important. If you are there by her side, she may not know if she is home or not, perhaps. You know her best and you may need that extra help of being at Hospice and having them help give her liquid.
Love and prayers,
Karen I use two products to protect and heal skin issues with mom, one is Sureprep, the other is New Skin, they work wonderful when I have to deal with blisters or sores on her. Also, I wouldn't give your mom liquids at this point, but thicken with Thick-it so they are a smooth pudding like consistancy, she may be able to handle them better. I know how hard this all is, and I hope these suggestions will help.
ReplyDeleteHolding you and your Mom up in prayer! This must be the hardest decision you have ever made. Praying for you and the decision. You will know what is best for your Mom. Many blessings to you and your family. Hugs, Karen
ReplyDeleteEvery one has said all the things that I feel. I am so sorry, and you and your mom are in my prayers every day.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you. My prayers are with you as you go through this trying time.
ReplyDeleteaww bless darling im sending you a hug
ReplyDeleteThank you. I have used all your suggestions and they are good ones. Thanks for everything. We are still truckin along. Thanks for all the hugs and prayers. Can use them always.