I am so glad it is Friday. And it is Blog Action Day and I forgot till a nice reader of my blog reminded me . This years topic is Clean Water. A billion people around the world are without clean drinking water. I could not go without water for 5 mins. Water is what helped me lose 40lbs. I drink a glass of water when I am hungry and I drink at least 4 glasses or more a day . I would never be able to know how hard it is to live without clean water. Stop by this wonderful link and learn about this years topic.SandwichINK.com
My sleeping and moms have been messed up ever since we got back from the hospital. She has her days and nights confused and I just can't seem to get out of bed to turn and change her. I am sleeping through the alarm clock . I have it set for every 3 hrs. You are suppose to turn your bedridden loved one every 2 hours but with her air mattress I cheat and do it every 3 but lately I have not heard the alarm go off. Maybe the first time than I miss the next two. It is weird. And mom just lays in the bed wide eyed. She is not talking or yelling for me like she used to so I guess she is not in pain or having her sundowners like used to . But I got to get things back in order.
Anyway my tips for this post is on Late Night Behavior since ours is off. If your loved one is Fidgeting and acting nervous, becoming easily upset, and wanting to go "home" when they are already home are types of late-afternoon behavior . To her or him "home" means feeling safe. Mom used to do this all day . Want to go home. And when we went on vacation one year she tried to leave and walk home. We had to keep a close eye on her or she would of been gone. This was early in her disease. Before we know how bad it was. She thought home was across the street but it was really 6oo miles away.
1. Give them a hug.
2. Tell them where they are.
3. Tell them they are safe.
4. Tell them you are not leaving.
5. Change the topic.
6. Turn on more lights.
7. Close the blinds or curtains. "I don't know why you would do this". I guess so they won't want to go outside. But I hate the blinds closed .
8. Ask if they are hungry or if they will help you in the kitchen. "Mom would help my with dishes and folding laundry " This one might work.
9. Offer an easy activity like sorting spoons or forks or ask them to wipe off the table with you. I have done this . It does work too. Mom would wipe the table for me when ask.
10. Use a happy voice and make everything seem like a lot of fun. " I was very bad at this one" I was bossy and always in a bad mood. Seemed like when I said Earlene instead of Mom she would respond better. I regret this all the time. I wish I was more like a daughter than a caregiver back then. And now she does not respond to hugs and kisses much but back then she would of. So give them lots of hugs and kisses and nice words while they still want them.
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The Early, Mild to Moderate and Advanced stages of Alzheimer's in the brain.

Seven Stages of Alzheimer's
1. No sign of congnitive impairment.
2. Very mild congnitive decline.
3. Mild congnitive decline.
4. Moderate congnitive decline.
5. Moderately severe congnitive decline.
6. Severe congnitive decline.
7. Very severe congnitive decline.
(Congnitive pertains to the mental process of perception, memory, judgement, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes.)
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hugs and kisses to you. you are often in my thoughts.
ReplyDeleteHi, I actually popped in for Blog Action Day 2010 and was very interested in this article. Very good tips! It's definitely hard when we sometimes have to be more of the "grown-up" but it just seems to come with this season of life. Kind of like when my kids acted up and I had to go from the cute nickname to the full first, middle, and last name of the child to get their attention.
ReplyDeleteTwo suggestions on the alarm clocks that have helped us over the years -
1. Set more than one alarm. I use an iphone which lets me set several alarms for different times and when I'm worried about oversleeping, I will set 2 or 3.
2. Put the alarm clock across the room - and make sure it has an obnoxious ring that will catch your attention. I have the ringer on my iPhone set to sound like breaking glass. Sounds horrible but it works :)
Praying you both get more sleep! :)
I think you are just an amazing person who takes such good care of your mom. I really don't know how you do this day in and day out. I pray for you and your mom every day on my morning walks.
ReplyDeleteMy heart goes out to you.
Thanks for the advice, Karen. Do not berate yourself. We are all learning to figure out our loved one.
ReplyDeleteHow I wish I had read this post when I first went through these things with my mom. I didn't know anything about any of this and felt so alone and scared to see this happening to her. I know you are such a blessing to so many. Not to mention you are a wonderful daughter.
Thank you everyone. Your comments really help and suggestions too.
ReplyDeleteYou are just amazing and a great daughter
ReplyDeleteThank you for posting so many wonderful suggestions for caretakers.
You're a constant source of amazement and inspiration to me.
Oh, honey, don't kick yourself! You are an absolute super trooper of care. Round-the-clock attention, and for someone whose condition often makes them fight you instead of appreciate it, is something just this side of martyrdom in my book. Hang in there!
ReplyDeleteAnd, you even remembered Blog Action Day! I forgot. And I had even started a post a few weeks ago after registering for it.
hi karen....while my mom doesnt have alzheimers I found this post incredibly inspiraitonal. I happened to see your name as a follower of my blog and klicked on and found yours....Im looking forward to continue reading more and more of your posts.
ReplyDeleteI hope you can find some rest today.....somehow I hope you can give yourself a little space...
I love water too by the way .... I cant imagine not having clean running water....
I even try to conserve and not waste it...I think of those who have none and say what right do I have to take long lengthy showers.....
I agree with all the other posts...your most definately an amazing person!!!
Thanks guys.